Interpret DHCP Vendor Specific Info question

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  • #870
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    • Newbie

    Hey all,

    I am trying to setup my WYSE to pull ftp and time server info from 2003 DHCP server. I have the vendor class setup with the appropriate settings. If I check the “Interpret DHCP vendor-specific info” box on the network options tab it works. If I uncheck it, it dosent. I would like to keep the options in a seperate vendor class and not in the standard DHCP options. I am also trying to get the setup of the clients completely automated.

    I know checking one box isn’t that difficult but I will need to send these to non technical people to setup and will have enough trouble with cables.

    My question is, is there a way to get that option checked through DHCP also?

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    • Jedi Master
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    I do not see the problem here. WTOS is always sending out the vendor ID “wyse-1000” during boot time.
    Just define a DHCP vendor type with that name and create the appropriate option tags in there.

    Look at this thread for more infos:
    Thread 829

    Works fine

    • Total Post: 2
    • Newbie

    I have a VDI address and FTP address coming from dhcp. Those do not come down unless i check the “interpert dhcp info” box. I am trying to beable to set these up without having to do anything to edit their config at all. I was hoping since it sends out the wyse-1000 info, I wouldnt have to do anything else for it to get the config from dhcp.

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