V10L Single Screen & WTOS v6 – confgen

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  • #765
    • Total Post: 11
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Hola Señor Confgen

    1stly, I am Using your fantastic confgen tool ( 😀 )I can create the wnos.ini to tell the V10L to use the DoubleHeader for dual screens, something I have just come across however is that not all users of the V10L will be using a dual screen set up, but will require the additional power (especially when wtos 6 and TCX are released) however, no matter which way round I set the script, single screen users effectively loose half of their screen as there is no way I can find to give some of the users dual screen and some of then on a single version, especially as the WYSE box is set to shut down upon logoff, which means that we can’t boot some up with one config and then change the script for the rest of them.
    Any ideas??

    2ndly, do you happen to have any inside knowledge as to when wtos 6 will be released as the TCX graphics stuff has only been tested with that OS?

    Cheers mate


    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Hola Senor,


    first to answer your second question. WTOS 6 is already released and you can get it via Wyse. TCX MMR is also released for WTOS quite a while.

    Now to your first one.
    That’s not that easy. It really looks like you’ll need two wnos.ini files. You can put them in different folders on your FTP server and change the path on the V10Ls accordingly.
    Or you can use WDM Enterprise with Default Device Configuration (DDC) to assign different configs to different groups of users.


    • Total Post: 11
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Muy Bien, y tu ?

    Cheers for the quick response fella.
    Sorry if this is a really dumb questions, but…… “You can put them in different folders on your FTP server and change the path on the V10Ls accordingly.” …………I have already set up a different location on the ftprootWyseWNOS share one for standard and one for the V10L’s, with a seperate wnos.ini file, I’m just not too sure how to tell the V10L’s with dual screens to use this one?

    Plus, thanks for the info about wnos 6, I have a request in with our WYSE bloke, but I’m thinking he may be on holiday 🙂

    Cheers again


    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Hi Will,

    how do you post the FTP Server IP to the clients? Via DHCP? Or manually?


    • Total Post: 11
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★


    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    OK, that’s a problem then.
    The only option would be to separate Dual and Non-Dual unit by subnets and assign different DHCP tag to these subnets then.
    Or use WDM with DDC.

    • Total Post: 11
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Damn it!! Ah well, if needs must, WDM it will probably be 😀

    Thanks again for the help mate

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