V10L – Slow USB transfer-rate w. barcode-scanners

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  • #5513
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    Hello everybody,

    in our facility, we got V10L-Terminals (latest FW 6.3.042) for testing before we roll out.
    At the moment there’s the following issue:

    When a Symbol DS-3408 Laser Barcode-Scanner is attached to the Terminal, it works fine so far.
    Scanning is possible;data transferred correctly.

    Only problem – it’s pretty slow !

    To approach the problem, I did the following:
    Attached the scanner to a usual Workstation, opened an editor, scanned a (huge) barcode an measured the time it took to finish writing to the editor.
    In the next step opened an ICA-Session to our Presentation-Server an repeated this procedure.
    Thin I did the same from the V10L

    Scanning locally on WS ~7s
    Scanning from WS to ICA ~7s
    Scanning from V10L to ICA ~13s (regardless if attached wireless or by ethernet)

    By this it becomes significant, the bottleneck lies somewhere in the Terminal-Client.

    What I already tried (with no result) was changing the following settings
    in “Preferences” under the “Advanced”-Tab:

    “MouseSpeed” all settings from slow-fast tested
    Keyboard “Delay before repeat” 3/4s and 1/5s tested
    “Repeat rate” from slow-fast tested

    Anybody an idea if there’s some other chance to increase the USB transmission-rate ?
    Any idea will be appreciated

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