Can WNOS.ini configure DNS server settings?

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  • #5460
    • Total Post: 6
    • Newbie

    Is there a remote possibility that DNS server settings can be set via the WNOS.ini file?

    In my situation I have 1,400+ S10s that were gradually introduced on our networks over the past two years. We do not use DHCP. The network settings for these devices have been manually configured.

    I’m hoping I can avoid sending techs to these 1,400 devices to make DNS server changes.

    Thank you in advance!

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
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    That does not look good for you but great for Nike, Adidas, Puma, etc.
    No chance to use the wnos.ini.
    Only option would be WDM. There you can change the settings.


    • Total Post: 6
    • Newbie

    Ok. Thank you!

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