R10 Potential to convert from WEXP to ThinOS?

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  • #52308
    Mike Irick
    • Total Post: 3
    • Newbie

    Yes, we still use the old venerable R10L units. They are workhorses, and they just keep running.

    Purchased a used block of them and all but one was ThinOS based.

    The oddball out was a Windows XP embedded unit.

    Tried to USB flash upgrade it with the Firmware imaging tool flashdrive we use on all other units to upgrade the version of ThinOS, and get the dreaded “Error while validating security key error code 233”.

    My question is, does a method still exist to convert this unit from embedded XP to ThinOS, or is it just a giant brick now?

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    There is no conversion kit available any more.


    Mike Irick
    • Total Post: 3
    • Newbie

    Thomas, Thanks for the reply! That’s a real shame that, after this amount of time, these conversion kits haven’t become public domain. Old systems need love too, and I’ll probably have to return the unit that I bought, as it was misrepresented as having ThinOS instead of WXP.

    On a wild hair, could you Ghost a ThinOS flash drive over the top of this? It looks like the floppy-type IDE connector…???…

    Mike Irick
    • Total Post: 3
    • Newbie

    Actually I meant the 2.5″ IDE laptop IDE interface….

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Could work


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