WMS version of include=$tn?

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  • #47349
    • Total Post: 5
    • Newbie


    Early stages of playing around with WMS and policies vs. INI files. Was wondering how to best replicate how we’re using WDM with WTOS clients now in a WMS world…

    We have a global wnos.ini and then, at the end, we have an include=$tn statement that delegates settings based on device name.

    The device.ini file includes the AD account info that is used to log on to the device as well as WLAN settings for those devices that are used on the wireless network among other things.

    Trying to wrap my head around translating how WDM does all this vs. WMS. I’m guessing that I’d have to add a subgroup and then add those policy settings to the subgroup. But, I’m not really seeing how I’d key on a device name?

    Could someone point me in the right direction or, better yet, offer up some real world examples that I might be able to learn from?

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Very simple.
    Click on the client itself on the WMS device tab.
    Scroll down and create a device exception which is the equivalent to $tn.ini.


    • Total Post: 5
    • Newbie

    OK – thanks for the quick reply.

    Since I don’t have any clients registered in WMS right now, that’s probably why I wasn’t connecting the dots…

    Would I need to manually add settings to each device or could I take the exception and turn into a template?

    Trying to work out license transition details with Dell so that we can activate the “pro” settings in our on-prem set up…would these exceptions be something easily delegated to downlevel/limited WMS admins?


    • Total Post: 35
    • Frequent Flyer
    • ★★★


    unfortunately you can’t use templates right now… as settings are inherited, you could simply create a subgroup and move all devices that require the different settings into the subgroup…



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