#1-WDM Certificates #2-Server2012 Collections

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  • #44303
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    OK, fairly new to WDM & THINOS.

    #1 In order to support 2012R2 RDS Collection we have been given an early release of firmware 8.4.009 for our 3010 thin clients. (I’ll get to 2012 R2 Collections in #2). Previously the clients were on 8.1.027 and booted and checked into our WDM server without issue. Since upgrading to 8.4.009 we are getting two certificate errors at boot that that must be accepted locally at the terminal (since not yet fully booted cannot VNC to the client to accept).  On the WDM server I’ve created C:\inetpub\ftproot\Rapport\WTOSCONFIG\WNOS\cacerts and put the server certificate, intermediate certificate and root CA certificate and added these to the WNOS.ini file. The certificate chain IS visible on the ThinOS clients (Start>System Tools> Certificates (not in the Unknown CA store). So, why are we still getting these prompts at boot?

    #2 We have a 2012R2 RDS server farm with 6 RDS servers. The farm is split into three collections. The reason for this is two fold, some of the RDS users require Office Professional and some require Office Standard. One collection is set as English, one French and one German. When our users were connecting via Windows PC’s the RDP profile specifies which collection to connect to (the host name is always the same regardless of collection). With the 8.0.4 image I was told that it supports collections, but I can only find this under the ‘Network’ configuration and even then you can only specify one collection, which seems fairly pointless? Basically we need the ThinOS terminals to boot cleanly and then present three ‘collections’ via Connect Manager from which the users can choose depending upon their location at the time. The only other way I could think of doing this if you can only specify one collection would be to split the terminals into three groups and have a separate WNOS.INI files for each group of terminals to connect to their respective collection. So, if its not possible to specify multiple collections in one configuration, how can I split my terminals into three groups?

    Its far from being a big ask I’d have thought?

    Thanks in advance for any advice.





    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    #1 I guess you are missing a certificate or added wrong ones
    #2 ThinOS does support only this one collection. No chance to list all and let the user select.
    You would have to go with different INI files for your groups of users. One way would be to use NTLM authentication with AD group based INI files.
    What other criteria could we use to differ between your users? Subnet maybe?


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    #1 So, the WDM server has the SSL cert installed. When I browse and use the WebGUI there are no complaints about the SSL cert. – All good. As I mentioned I have imported the CA Root, Intermediate and Server cert to the ThinOS terminals and they appear correctly. However, still getting the warning. Resolved temporarily by setting securitypolicy=low in WNOS.ini – Far from ideal and I’d prefer if these things worked as I’d hoped.

    #2 I think Wyse / Dell are really missing a trick here. Now I have to go down the route of multiple WNOS.ini files. Can’t do this using the AD method so going to use the serial number or Mac address method.

    Oh well, if was easy everyone would be doing it……..




    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Ask Ronak to open an Enhancement CIR to support multiple collections.


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    That would be ideal, but I know that changes and feature enhancements usually take some time to come to fruition. I think I’m stuck with the multiple wnos.ini option as I need to deploy next week.






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    If anyone else struggling with this, its because the collection name needs to be enclosed with quote marks, something ConfGen is not doing, so in the RDSH Collections Box, you need to type “Collection_Name” or edit the generated WNOS file and manually add the ” ” marks. Thanks to Ronak & Fred for sticking with this and keeping me looking for a solution…….



    ConnectionBroker=Microsoft RDCollections=”EXAMPLE_Collection”



    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    I will check this and fix in CG if needed.

    Thanks for the update.


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