Distribute differnet INI Files to different Clients

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  • #42849
    • Total Post: 16
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    I need to distribute different INI files to different clients and I wonder if it can be done using a file structure or any logical structure !?
    I mean, order the clients in a folder structure or a way to build a structure in the WDM server and applying a INI file based on the client placement.

    As far as I understand in order to distribute different INI file to different client the only way is to dedicate each client with his INI file based on #MAC INI file but this makes the management more sophisticated.

    For example: if I need 5 clients to connect to a specific terminal or need to lock-down some clients to minimum options I need to assign each of them a separate INI file based on its MAC even if the configuration is the same for those clients!.
    Storing those settings to the WNOS.ini will cause all our clients to get those settings instead of only some of them.

    Any suggestions / Ideas how to accomplish that without making the management hard and sophisticated.

    Thank you for any replay.

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Check out the doc “INI file handling” in the Download section.
    In addition you can assign DHCP Option Tag 162 to different subnets. This will result in the client looking for their subnet-specfic wnos.ini file instead of one global one.
    If differences are not client but user-based, you can go with AD group membership and assign wnos.ini files to these groups.
    But check out the doc first.


    • Total Post: 16
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★


    I’ll have another look on the “INI file handling” doc.

    Separate subnets only for a few clients to get a different settings is not an option.

    Isn’t there any way to control the settings that are being applied to clients based on groups or hierarchy in WDM ?
    Another point is that as I understand all INI files nedd to have the same name WNOS.INI something that is hard to track, if we could name the INI files as we want, I could give them names according to their function and apply more then one settings file to clients.

    Anyhow, I’ll read again the doc you mentioned maybe I’ve skipped something.


    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    WDM Enterprise and its Default Device Configuration feature could help.
    Or you wait for 2-3 months until ThinOS 8.3 and WDM 5.7 is out. Then you can use the integrated WCM configuration and the Profil Manager for free.
    Both let you assign a configuration to a freely defined group of clients.

    wnos.ini has always to be named wnos.ini.


    • Total Post: 16
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Hi there,

    I’m returning after a while with the discussed issue.
    I’ve downloaded the latest WDM version (Version 5.7) and before the upgrade I’ve spent some time to read the documentation.

    I didn’t mentioned before we are using Thin clients model D10D with firmware version 8.3_012, HAgent version WCM Support: True – all that information from the unit info that appears in the current WDM.

    Is your suggestion to distribute different configurations to different client based on WCM and Profile Manager relevant for those units I’m using ? (I had a feeling from the documentation that D10D/WTOS client aren’t supported !?

    I want to remind that my goal is to manage my clients and their configurations in a hierarchical manner.
    Do I still need to use the Configuration Generator ? do I need to create multiple wnos.ini files according to the various configurations and deploy them using WCM/Profile Manager ?

    I found the WCM Administration guide but there I saw that it’s relevant only with clients with OS on them and there is no reference to wnos.ini files !?

    Thank you for your patient and professional answer.


    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Yes, this combo will work just fine.
    Unfortunately Dell hasn’t integrated that much config options in the ThinOS config in WDM (WCM). But a nice start.
    No need for ConfGen or multiple wnos.ini files, if the WCM/WDM parameter is sufficient for you.
    WCM in now integrated in WDM.


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