How do I enable USB printing on V10L

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  • #3953
    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
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    Hi Wyse gurus,

    I have just replaced my Epson TMT8IV printer with a Zebra MZ 320.

    The MZ 320 works on USB and I am using the wnos.ini file to set the configurations.

    The configuration is applied successfully; however, the printer still shows as LPT (onboard) in the setting, when I change the printer port to LPT (USB) and save, it does not save the changes.

    How do I enable USB printing thru wnos.ini?



    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    My ini file has the following for the printer:

    Printer=LPT2 Name=”ZDesigner MZ 320″ PrinterID=”ZDesigner MZ 320″ Enabled=yes

    (I am guessing that the LPT2 is for the USB).

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    That’s strange. So you say that the Zebra printer is working perfectly on V10L when configured locally but not via wnos.ini?
    Your wnos.ini part looks fine. LPT2 is correct as WTOS always chooses the next free LPT port for USB printer. So LPT2 on V-class, as there is one physical port and LPT1 on S-class, as there is no LPT port build in.


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