Touch Monitor with ThinOS 2308 (9.4.3087)


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  • #108558
    • Total Post: 7
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    we have some Dell Wyse 3040 and 5070 with Touch Monitors. We made an upgrade from ThinOS 8.6 to 9.15 and than to 9.4.3087.

    Everythings works well with the 8.6 version and a calibration mode started when we switched on the thin clients. With the newer version there is no calibration mode possible and the touch function of the monitor doesn’t work.

    Does everyone else have the same issue?

    • Total Post: 7
    • Newbie

    We solved the issue.

    The cause of the problem were the USB-Cabels. We have to use special USB 3.0 Cabels. Everything works well now.

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