Xenith is dead – Long live ThinOS lite

Dell has released another ThinOS and Xenith update. The new version is just a hotfix release without any new features. It just includes bugfixes and some new INI parameters.
With this release Dell also dropped the Xenith naming. Xenith is now called ThinOS lite, which it technically was since the beginning.

The HF release is available for C10LE, R10L, 3010 (T10), 3020 (T10D), 5010 (D10D and D10DP), 7010 (Z10D), 5040 (5212 and 5213) plus the Xenith (ups, ThinOS lite) family Xenith, Xenith Pro, 3010 (T00X), 3020 (T00DX) and 5010 (D00DX).

Versions are 8.1_031(ThinOS)/2.1_031(ThinOS lite) and 8.2_017(ThinOS)/2.2_017(ThinOS lite)