Wyse Management Suite Cloud SMTP and Secondary Instance Shutdown

Wyse Management Suite SMTP Migration

The Wyse Management Suite team will migrate our SMTP server from AWS to Azure aligned with the WMS 3.8 MR launch. Customers must make the below changes (if required) to the SMTP server address to continue receiving 2FA updates and other mail communication from the platform.

Existing/Old: email-smtp.us-west-2.amazonaws.com

New: smtp.sendgrid.net

Wyse Management Suite Cloud Secondary Instance Shutdown

WMS Cloud AWS to Azure migration was completed with WMS 3.7 and the new cloud environment has been performing flawlessly over the last month. Secondary instances are still running on AWS as a backup, and will now be taken offline permanently (The Column “AWS IP” in the following table). This process will be initiated on July 27th, 2022, and completed by July 30th, 2022.

A reminder that customers using IP addresses over fully qualified domain names (FQDN) must modify their firewall settings and update their allow-list with the new IP addresses provided in the table below as per the column “AZURE IP”.