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  • in reply to: USB Smartcard redirection ThinOS 9.1 #107958
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    • Regular Joe
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    I have been testing today with the new 9.3.2102 on 5070  and it works! Same config in WMS, just the new firmware. Wanted to leave a quick note if anyone was following this.

    in reply to: USB Smartcard redirection ThinOS 9.1 #107947
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    • Regular Joe
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    I am seeing same behavior. Have completely working setup on 8.6. Redirects a usb smart card token into Citrix VDI machine  just fine and works. I connect via ThinOS 9.1  to the exact same Citrix VDI machien and it doesnt work. Device shows but Windows device manager says it cant start.

    in reply to: Wyse ThinOS (9.1.1131) – Password expire issue #107115
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    • Regular Joe
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    Have tried the 9.1.5067 on a 5070 in my environment and did not seem to fix the issue, unless there is an additional setting that’s required. We have both 7010 and 5070 devices on 8.x firmware and they work fine with expired passwords. So the backend servers etc seems to be setup fine, just the thin client 9x firmware that’s not working.

    in reply to: Wyse ThinOS (9.1.1131) – Password expire issue #107097
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    • Regular Joe
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    Has anyone found a sure fix for this issue. We are having an issue also with 9.1.3129 and expiring passwords Currenlty we have an installed base of both 7010s on 8.5.012  and 5070s on 8.6.013 and they are able to change password, just fine, has worked for may years. But 9x is not working. Our domain controllers are 2 servers on Server 2012 and 2 servers on Server 2016 and admin says our functional level is 2012R2. Can anyone shed light on a fix, previously i think i worked with our Citrix admins to set settings on the Citrix storefront which enabled this to work. 9x does not seem to be using the same settings. Have tried the setting under 9x policies>Session setting and Password Expiry , did not have any effect. Thanks for any guidance!!

    Screenshot is of 5070 on 8x firmware and how it works to change password , before user logs in.

    Change passord - 8xfirmware

    • Total Post: 21
    • Regular Joe
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    We have our install set to a D: drive and was able to successfully update from 3.2 to 3.5.2 after using the updated install (3.5.2).

    Went well and no issues. And subnets are now properly sorted! (Sore spot for me since we began with WMS)

    in reply to: WTOS in a Virtual Machine? #106467
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    Sigh.. was just looking for this myself. Would be incredibly helpful for testing or training if abale to be run in a VM.. We should all clamor for this maybe they would finally relent. !!


    in reply to: New ThinOS 9.1.4234 issues #106435
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    • Regular Joe
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    This may not be your issue but it sounds like something i have seen a long time ago, just throwing this out there. At one time a default behaior was , whatever host name the unit had when it first checked into DHCP it would then retain , even if you changed it. The fix was to disable DHCP option 12. Currently this would go in advanced settings in WMS as DHCPOptionsRemap=yes DisableOption12=yes .. Research first to see thats your problem. I think if you clear a units DHCP lease.. then change name and this new name is now the one it keeps reverting to.. that may signal its your issue.

    in reply to: Thanks to Thomas Möllerbernd #106183
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    Yes agreed! Thank you so much for many years of service to this community. Also great to see that someone stepped up to help take it on forward. Probably no way to fathom how much time you have put in. Many times thank you Thomas!!!

    in reply to: ThinOS 9.1.2101 / Audio configuration #105263
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    I have run into this as well, the information i received was that this involves the feature multiple audio which was supported in 8.x but not currently in 9.1. May return in 9.2. Below are release notes i was pointed to , you can confirm possibly  with Dell , but sounds like same feature i was looking for, lets you pick individual audio devices in apps.




    in reply to: WTOS 9.1 and Cisco Webex Meetings package v40.10.11.15_4 #93274
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    • Regular Joe
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    Wanted to come back and report in, got Webex VDI working finally i had missed some settings inside WMS itself. . It turned out to be a setting in WMS for the virtual channel. I had to import new config UI package into WMS itself, to then have new WMS policy settings available  about virtual channels . The Webex Meeting channel i guess is off by default. Found the fix from very helpful post  on their community. I think some of the info Brian had posted , we must have already had setup by our Webex team, i just needed this last setting to engage. See info here:



    • Total Post: 21
    • Regular Joe
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    Good afternoon brian1020, wanted to ask if you have updated to WMS hotfix 3.1.1 as part of getting Webex package working (or what version you are running?). So far i have had no luck with the 9.1.1131 software ,and working with Dell Tech support they have asked for logs etc but have no fix  yet. Our shop is still at version Webex site and software .. so maybe thats it?  But it still seems strange that i can connect to the same Xendesktop using Windows laptop with the Webex VDI plugin , works fine .  Thanks for the info you have already provided..

    in reply to: WTOS 9.1 and Cisco Webex Meetings package v40.10.11.15_4 #81808
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    • Regular Joe
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    Great , again good info. that’s a slightly newer version of Webex meetings than we are on (we are on so i may need to test that version out. Have you seen anything stated about version correlations from the plugin to the Webex meetings app and also the Webex site version? do they have to match in a certain range, doenst matter etc? Have not seen clear info on that . Have a great day and thanks for the tips!



    in reply to: WTOS 9.1 and Cisco Webex Meetings package v40.10.11.15_4 #81761
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    • Regular Joe
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    Wow that is some great info thank you for posting. Can you confirm you got this working using 9.1.1131 firmware with Webex package The behavior i have seemed to see is it works ok with the older 9.1.1036 (Beta) but does not in 9.1.1131. so it seemed to be our connectivity\firewall\virtual machine was ok , was just the firmware on the thin client that seemed to be at fault.

    But i will definitely comb through your post and confirm, some  great info there, and some reg keys i was not aware of. Thanks again for posting!

    in reply to: WTOS 9.1 and Cisco Webex Meetings package v40.10.11.15_4 #81221
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    • Regular Joe
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    I had been doing early testing for the plugin , we are a Webex shop (seems to be the unpopular choice but i can’t change it). The plugin seemed to be working well in the Beta 9.1. 1036 with Webex 401002341.2 package but when the 9.1.1131 firmware with Webex package came out its stopped working (VDI banner no longer comes up ).  and i can start a Citrix Xendesktop session to same desktop from a laptop with the plugin loaded and it works.  I have started a ticket with Dell , they first mentioned that the new 3.1.1. hotfix would address it but I don’t think that’s valid, it would have to be firmware i think.

    I did not know about the .wbt log file that may be helpful. Have you seen a good how to on setting it up anywhere? The Cisco documentation seems scattered , vs a do this and this , bullet point how to.

    Glad to see someone else working on this ,will try to update as I test!

    • Total Post: 21
    • Regular Joe
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    Further update. Doesn’t  seem tied to 9.0.2081 firmware version.  Is anyone else using three monitors with 9.0 successfully ? Wondering if anyone else has replicated this issue or seeing it.

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