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  • in reply to: 5070 ThinOS 9.x H264 / AVC 444 Ghosting #107929
    • Total Post: 9
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Hi – Not sure on Win 8.6 and Linux 9.x.  Just what Wyse support told me.

    Yes I agree old remoteFX and RDP GPU acceleration is clear as mud…

    Hmm.  What nvidia GPU installed in your terminal server?

    This is with Server 2022 + RTX A2000 12GB.

    Playing additional h264 video content within RDP session doesn’t matter for issue we are encountering.

    The entire desktop session itself is corrupt as the entire RDP session is encoded by NVENC.

    The 5070 9.x doesn’t decode the NVENC h264 encoded RDP session properly.

    As mentioned the 5070 on 8.6 decodes properly.  When a 8.6 connects log will output.

    08:57:57.111 RDP: Graphics Pipeline is enabled
    08:57:58.477 RDP: Rdp H.264-AVC444 enabled.

    I can observe within task manager / GPUz any use of desktop / windows will utilize GPU encoding engine.

    I can also observe concurrent GPU encoding sessions with:

    nvidia-smi.exe –query-gpu=encoder.stats.sessionCount –format=csv,noheader -i 0″

    Which by the way was a learning experience in itself as I found out how greedy Nvidia is to limit concurrent encoding sessions to max of 3 on any desktop GPU.

    One must go to Quadro / RTX GPU lineup to unlock GPU encoding sessions despite the fact with only 3 sessions active the GPU is barely used…

    I tried a open source trick.  Which did patch properly and unlock – yet terminal services didn’t want to work with the patch and still limited to max 3.  So purchased this A2000 12GB which gives unlimited encoding sessions to terminal server.

    in reply to: 5070 ThinOS 9.x H264 / AVC 444 Ghosting #107923
    • Total Post: 9
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Everything with RemoteFX is dead from what I can tell. Old technology Microsoft created to incentivize peeps to use HyperV rather than VMware.

    Although dead – the terminology is still referred to in ThinOS 8.6 / WMS policies.  But not in ThinOs 9.x / WMS policies.

    Microsoft began to support and utilize the Nvidia Encoder (NVENC) in Server 2019 and subsequently Server 2022.

    I am convinced the issue is specific to ThinOS 9.x not working properly with NVENC.  As I’ve been informed.  ThinOS 8.6 is based on Windows where 9.x is based on Linux.  An issue here with ThinOS 9.x Linux based RDP 10 client properly decoding a NVENC h264 encoded video stream.

    I can’t even get Wyse to lab it…

    Week and half passed after escalation to tier 3 just to be told “cannot recreate issue.”  Upon asking what GPU was used I was told – “none, I don’t have a Nvidia GPU to test with”

    FFS – entire ticket is surrounding Nvidia GPU NVENC encoding + ThinOS 9.x decoding.  “Let me test that apple with an orange – I’ll get back to you.”

    Frustrated with Wyse…

    in reply to: WMS policy input validation? #107108
    • Total Post: 9
    • Regular Joe
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    Dell had me trying defining WMSgroup + token in a policy itself for a previous issue last year.  Still don’t understand how this works or what its for (Chicken and egg? How would clients even get them if they don’t already reside in the group)

    Although they had since been removed it apparently needed a policy reset on that section due to upgrade.

    Advanced -> Services -> WMS Settings , reset.

    Now I can make changes / publish it.

    in reply to: WMS Bulk Pic upload? #105699
    • Total Post: 9
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Ok thanks for help.  Perhaps something for Dell to consider for screensaver management.

    in reply to: WMS Bulk Pic upload? #105692
    • Total Post: 9
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Thanks for confirming.

    Ok Dell – regression.  My client will be bummed.  It was bigger than previously thought.  No way I’m uploading 197 pictures, twice.

    What about using WMS ini parameters to point to anonymous FTP?  Will it just use every .jpg in wnos/picture folder?

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