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  • in reply to: Compatibility problem or update issue #106578
    • Total Post: 19
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Hi Jim,

    thanks for your reply.

    Yes, I can update an roll back on a snapshot.

    So I tested several versions to go farther then 1.4.1.

    Going to 2.1 finishes the installation process, but after a reboot the db doesnt come up again.

    Following your advice I tried to update to 2.0 first again.

    But this setup won’t complete with log as follows:


    2021-11-18 T13:55:38::Upgrade::2580::MongoDB Service returned: -1
    2021-11-18 T13:55:48::Upgrade::2612::In function: SetMongoDBFeatureCompatibleVer
    2021-11-18 T13:55:48::Upgrade::2635::mongo.exe -u stratus -p******* –authenticationDatabase admin localhost:27017/admin –eval “db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: ‘3.6’ } )” >C:\Users\mkadmin\AppData\Local\Temp\SetMongoFeaVer.log 2>&1
    2021-11-18 T13:55:50::Upgrade::2642::SetMongoFeaVer script execution returned: 0
    2021-11-18 T13:55:50::Upgrade::2644::SetMongoFeaVer script execution returned: 1
    2021-11-18 T13:55:50::Upgrade::2591::Failed to update schema
    2021-11-18 T14:05:53::Upgrade::2525::Mongo 3.6.15 upgrade failed


    What could be done?



    in reply to: Wyse 5010 WTOS 8.5 Name #46309
    • Total Post: 19
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Well, to be honest, why would you Need a Management tool when you have to Play with ini files?

    Is there any hint this will be fixed any time soon?

    in reply to: Wyse 5010 WTOS 8.5 Name #46300
    • Total Post: 19
    • Regular Joe
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    Of course we use this section.

    The Setting for systemlanguage is one of two reasons to update to 8.5.  Otherwise its useless.

    in reply to: Wyse 5010 WTOS 8.5 Name #46295
    • Total Post: 19
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Anybody News about this?

    in reply to: Wyse 5010 WTOS 8.5 Name #46247
    • Total Post: 19
    • Regular Joe
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    And it is reproduceable – I took a second machine to 8.5, same issue.

    in reply to: Wyse 5010 WTOS 8.5 Name #46234
    • Total Post: 19
    • Regular Joe
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    this is what should happen. But it does something else.

    Pure restart is resetting the Name of the device – this only happens to the machine with 8.5. On my 8.4 even moving the device from one (sub-)Group is not resetting the Name…

    in reply to: Scheduled Tasks #45195
    • Total Post: 19
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    This was not meant as any personal offense – I’m just disappointed by Dell once more.

    From selling business Hardware without Support for Standard Enterprise OS over developing impracticable Docking stations to Hardware/Driver combinations producing blue Screens until Version 5…

    in reply to: Scheduled Tasks #45192
    • Total Post: 19
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Are you serious?

    You will have to have the Enterprise license for such simple things? The cheapest manufacturers of thin Clients do better than this…

    I dont see one single Point where a wyse is better than any other TC… I wouldnt buy another one, if Company policy wont force us to buy dell.

    in reply to: Scheduled Tasks #45187
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    • Regular Joe
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    Well, thats good News…

    Is it correct, that scheduled Tasks only work in a timeframe of 90 days? I can NOT have Clients restarted every day, without wondering in two month why they wont?

    Another Thing I saw – is there a bug in displaying the online Status? All of my devices are shown as offline, while at least three are definitely online…

    in reply to: Scheduled Tasks #45182
    • Total Post: 19
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Is there any hint, when 1.1 will be released?

    in reply to: Scheduled Tasks #45176
    • Total Post: 19
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Is there any hope of getting a more complete Management tool in the future, like this quite Basic Task?

    I`ve seen a lot of different ThinClients by different manufacturers – no solution was particularily good, all had their flaws. But all of them did their Job, some slow others tricky but all Basic things where present. Even those for very cheap devices…

    But I never had so much Trouble as I had with Dell – WDM should do what I wanted, but isnt installable under 2016 and a config mess otherwise, you cant even uninstall it properly. WMS is quite easy to install – as those other products – but it is not as mighty as I would imagine it to be – or as I m used to – you cant even Change language and Keyboard layout?

    Is there any hope for improvement?

    in reply to: Wyse doesnt search for CCM settings #45160
    • Total Post: 19
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    I now figured out, you have to have WTOS Version 8.4 on your Wyse to use WMS. Why is Dell shipping devices with Firmware that old – I had 8.1 on mine, delivered last week.

    Well, this would be much easier to accomplish, when there would be any hint in WMS documentation where to get  the right Version and how to install it.

    Dell documentation and Software/Firmware/Driver Distribution is a mess. It took me almost the whole day yesterday to find the tool to build a bootstick and the right Firmware (whats the difference between WEB and MERLIN??).

    Wouldnt it be easier for everybody if Dell would provide Software and Driver over one single Point and not on 20 different? And not telling from the first how to get to second? And having hints like “there is WMS” in WDM docs – just to get rid of the old stuff?

    in reply to: Wyse doesnt search for CCM settings #45153
    • Total Post: 19
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★


    more than once on different machines (5040 and 5010).

    Is there a Minimum Firmware Version to use with WMS?

    in reply to: Wyse doesnt search for CCM settings #45145
    • Total Post: 19
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Good morning,

    I set all of them.

    But in the log it dont seem to search for them at all.

    It states, it searches WDM Server via DHCP, DNS Host and DNS SRV entries. But not a word about CCM or WMS. Is this normal?

    And as I said before – when I try to enter the CCM part manually I get a certificate error – and there is no Checkbox for CAValidation…



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