Chris S

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  • in reply to: Hello, is there a way to exploit the WMS database #108144
    Chris S
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    Chris S
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    Click on your login in the top right of page. Next select user preferences then page size.


    in reply to: 5070 Sample INI File #107668
    Chris S
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    Just want to give the exclaimer I have not done this before but I believe this is the way it works.

    The USB configuration is done for setting it up individually I believe. Exit out of the wizard (Ctrl & esc) and click icon on the left hand side. Select system setup  then admin policy tool. This is the same UI that we get in WMS but you have to set them up individually and then you can export the config with a thumb drive and then import into another thin client. I do not use it this way but that’s the way it’s intended to work I believe. Sorry if there’s any typos or anything trying to do this on a mobile device.

    in reply to: 5070 Sample INI File #107661
    Chris S
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    Sorry to give you the bad news but the ini’s are not used anymore all  and the configuration is through WMS only.

    in reply to: Wyse 3040 flash “locked”? #107656
    Chris S
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    Sorry I didn’t see that. Just so many adds on these web pages now.

    in reply to: Wyse 3040 flash “locked”? #107652
    Chris S
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    Have you tried reimaging the thin client with a thumb drive using wyse imaging tool?

    You’ll need to download a merlin version thinos to make the thumbdrive.


    in reply to: Citrix Session freezed after logon #107636
    Chris S
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    I’m not having the problem but I was wondering if you tried uninstalling or reverting to an older citrix version and reinstalling. Might be worth a shot as others have had problems and reinstalling has helped. I did have a different problem where the 5470 laptops would lock up when they went to sleep but I just don’t allow that anymore.

    Chris S
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    I think I remember getting this once and having to reimage the thin client. Have you tried that?

    in reply to: Can’t control sound bar volume from sound bar #107393
    Chris S
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    Thanks for the response. I’m glad it wasn’t only me and a bad setting. I opened a ticket with Dell also so hopefully they fix it. I had to tell them no its not always been this way and that 8.6 doesn’t need redirection and never has for that speaker.

    in reply to: ThinOS 9.1.6108 Critical Error #107373
    Chris S
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    @mtnbikeninja Yes, I’m having the same problem with multiple displays. 9.1.6 won’t keep the primary display that I set.

    in reply to: Upgrade to WMS 3.6 from 3.5.2 #107330
    Chris S
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    Thats great, I’m glad it helped someone.

    in reply to: Upgrade to WMS 3.6 from 3.5.2 #107325
    Chris S
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    That’s what was happening to me I had to upgrade the MariaDB which are the instructions above. Unless you tried that then I would call Dell. They needed logs to figure out how to fix my problem.

    in reply to: Upgrade to WMS 3.6 from 3.5.2 #107318
    Chris S
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    I highly suggest you try this on a test server first and do snapshots before proceeding. Everything not in bold is straight from them. 

    Also after the upgrade I had tested importing AD groups and then created and assigned a Role template. After that I imported the users that were in the groups. This broke the server and I had to revert.

    I tested this on 2 test servers but haven’t upgraded my production server yet because of the problem with the AD groups and wanted to see what Dell said since I just opened a ticket with them Friday.

    First Dell had me try this:


    Please try the manual steps:
    Install a new copy WMS (new server). In the old install of WMS, rename the MongoDB folder to MongoDB,old and copy the MongoDB folder from the new install to the old install folder. if there is a MariaDB folder in the old WMS folder, then go into that folder and rename bin to bin.old and copy the bin folder from the new install to the old.

    Then try to install 3.6.2.

    These didn’t work for me.


    Next, they had me do this:

    Step 1 : Backup
    DB Backup before starting the upgrade:

    1.   Command to take Backup of DB :

    > TARGETDIR\MariaDB\bin\mysqldump.exe –routines -u<MysqlDBuser> -p<DBpassword> -P<DBPort> -hlocalhost <MysqlDBuser>  > “TARGETDIR\MariaDB\bin\stratus.sql”

    This is how it looks when I type it in.

    C:\Program Files\DELL\WMS\MariaDB\bin\mysqldump.exe –routines -ustratus -p<yourdatabasepassword> -P3306 -hlocalhost stratus > “C:\Program Files\DELL\WMS\MariaDB\bin\stratus.sql”

    Just take out <yourdatabasepassword> and put yours in.

    1.   Stop ALL WMS Services.

    1.       Tomcat

    2.       Memcached

    3.       Mqtt

    4.       MongoDB

    5.       MariaDB

    I had a problem deleting the MariaDB even though it said it was shutdown. I had to reboot the server and shutdown the services again. Then I was able to delete it.

    1.   Archive the old binaries:

    1.       Copy MariaDB from “TARGETDIR\MariaDB” to “TARGETDIR\Archive” folder and Delete  “TARGETDIR\MariaDB” folder

    2.       Copy SQL DB folder from “TARGETDIR\Database” to “TARGETDIR\Archive\Database” folder.

    Step 2: Upgrade MariaDB
    MySQL Upgrade steps:

    1.   MariaDB Binary location: []

    2.   Copy New MariaDB-10.6.5 Binaries to TARGETDIR\MariaDB folder.

    3.   Rename the SQL log file – TARGETDIR\Database\SQL\ib_logfile0 to “ib_logfile0.old”

    4.   Rename the SQL log file – TARGETDIR\Database\SQL\ib_logfile1 to “ib_logfile1.old”

    5.   Start MySQL service.

    6.   Run below command for MySQL Table migration.

    >TARGETDIR\MariaDB\bin\ mysql_upgrade -u<MysqlDBuser>  -p<DBPassword> -P<DBPort> –debug-check –debug-info

    This is how it looks when I type it in.

    c:\program files\dell\wms\mariadb\bin\mysql_upgrade -ustratus -p<yourdatabasepassword> -P3306 –debug-check –debug-info

    Just take out <yourdatabasepassword> and put yours in.


    1.   Check for “TARGETDIR\Database\SQL\”mysql_upgrade_info” file creation after running the above command successfully.

    Step 3: Start All Services
    1.   Start ALL WMS Services.

    1.       MariaDB

    2.       MongoDB

    3.       memcahced

    4.       mqtt

    5.       Tomcat

    Launch application and check for sanity.

    Step 4: Upgrade to WMS 3.6
    I didn’t have to use these steps, so I don’t know if they work.

    Optional Step
    Rollback Steps for MySQL upgrade:

    1.   Stop the MySQL service.

    2.   Delete “TARGETDIR\MariaDB” folder

    3.   Delete “TARGETDIR\Database\SQL” folder

    4.   Copy the Old MariaDB folder from “TARGETDIR\Archive” to “TARGETDIR”

    5.   Copy the Old SQL folder from “TARGETDIR\Archive\Database\SQL” to “TARGETDIR\Database”

    6.   Start the MySQL service.

    7.   Run below command to Restore Mysql DB:

    Step1: Drop DB cmd:  >TARGETDIR\MariDB\bin\mysql.exe –verbose -u<MysqlDBuser>  -p<DBPassword>  -P<DBport>  -hlocalhost -e “DROP DATABASE <MysqlDBuser> ”

    Step2: CreateDB cmd:  >TARGETDIR\MariDB\bin\mysql.exe –verbose -u<MysqlDBuser>  -p<DBpassword>  -P<DBport>  -hlocalhost -e “CREATE DATABASE <MysqlDBuser> DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci”

    Step3:  Restore cmd:  >TARGETDIR\MariDB\bin\mysql.exe –verbose -u<MysqlDBuser>  -p<DBPassword> -P<DBport>  -hlocalhost <MysqlDBuser> < ” TARGETDIR \MariaDB\bin\stratus.sql”


    Chris S
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    I found this the other day and it looks like Dell broke something again. Go to session settings > global session settings and change on desktop to All and it will at least work, at least it did for me.


    in reply to: After upgrade to ThinOS 9.1.5067 this popup start show.. #107291
    Chris S
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    Hi Jim,

    I went and tried this and it doesn’t seem to work either. I factory wiped it and rebooted it several times.  I am using or trying to use client name to name them and I was assuming that the second screen shot was for naming them manually in WMS.

    client name

    terminal name2


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