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  • in reply to: Dell Hybrid Client (DHC) 1.1 Upgrade Issue #53783
    • Total Post: 259
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Strange that the job ran to success, but my device has not updated.  I just pulled some log files from WMS Public Cloud console for the device, I’ll have to dig through the logs to see what I find.  Had to use 7zip twice to unzip and find everything.

    The applications installed without issue, but seems the v1.1 upgrade did not.

    in reply to: Dell Hybrid Client (DHC) 1.1 Upgrade Issue #53768
    • Total Post: 259
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Got it, thanks, I didn’t realize the folder \repository\osImages\zipped is for the conversion image, i.e ThinOS to DHC or WES to DHC.  I was expecting to see it under the Hybrid Image section of Apps and Data not the Application section.

    On page 82 of the WMS Admin guide i was confusing the OS Conversion package with the Image Upgrade package.

    I can see the DHC image under App Inventory >> Hybrid Client listed  as DellHybridClient_1.1_1618.tar.gz which you are then able to go to App Policies >> Hybrid Client and create an App policy for the upgrade

    Thanks again as always.

    in reply to: Authentication Retry #53692
    • Total Post: 259
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    How many devices?  Have you tried a different firmware to upgrade the Wyse terminals?

    in reply to: invisible mouse pointer Citrix Double Hop ThinOS 9 #53688
    • Total Post: 259
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    What do you mean by double hop? You’re connecting a XenDesktop session and inside that desktop session you’re launching another XenDesktop or XenApp session?

    I remember an issue a while back in an early version of 8.6 where doing that scenario caused you to lose the mouse pointer in the XenApp or XenDesktop session inside the first session.

    If you can reproduce it in Citrix Workspace for Linux it’s likely a Citrix issue. Dells statement likely means it’s not a scenario they build and test for, if I’m understanding what you mean by double hop.

    in reply to: How to install USB printer on Dell Wyse 3040? #53687
    • Total Post: 259
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Is this ThinOS 8 or 9?

    Assuming WTOS 8, You don’t install any drivers on the 3040. What happens when you plug in the printer to your 3040 (while not connected to anything, Citrix, VMWare, RDS, etc.) and navigate in ThinOS to system settings >> peripherals >> print tab?  Does it detect the printer and can you do a test print?

    Step 1 is getting the printer recognized locally on the 3040.

    Step 2 is getting it recognized in your remote session.

    can you provide more information around how you’re connecting, firmware version, etc?

    in reply to: Authentication Retry #53686
    • Total Post: 259
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Need more info about your devices, firmware version, INI configuration.

    Do the Windows event logs on the devices they’re authenticating against provide any more details?

    When did this last work? What changed between the time it last worked until it stopped working? (Windows patching, WTOS update, etc.)

    in reply to: Wyse ThinOS 9.0 – poor performance & screen responsiveness #53681
    • Total Post: 259
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★


    I would agree with you.

    I’ve also started a POC with Igel and their stuff works very well. I have a UD3 device i’ve been testing and some UD Pocket USB thumb drives that work fine in the 3040 devices when you enable Boot from USB in the BIOS.  I will say, the 3040 with their Atom processors still aren’t that great for Igel either when it comes to using Zoom for VDI.  It offloads the audio and video fine and its “usable” but when on a Zoom call the quality of the audio and video is better for myself and participants, but the CPU utilization of the 3040 was around 85-99% utilization at various points in the call.

    The 3040 in WTOS 9.1 beta testing Zoom for VDI seemed to be about the same as Igel for 3040’s and CPU utilization so I don’t see that going away with the 3040’s. You also need to keep in mind, WTOS has no built in browser which is part of the security of the OS.  Igel and Dell Hybrid Client are essentially running Ubuntu 1804 LTS, I’ve got a 5070 DHC seed unit i’ve been testing and it works fairly well.  DHC 1.1 should allow for installing software packages like Zoom for VDI, JVDI, WebEx VDI and others and you won’t need to wait for Dell to package them (so my sales engineer says).  This will also allow us to install other packages like Stratusphere UX for performance monitoring, etc.

    While the grass may always seem greener on the other side, the journey with Dell has been frustrating, but they’re getting better and catching up.  Happy to exchange ideas and collaborate with you outside of here since we seem to be on a similar path. Feel free to email me at [email protected]


    in reply to: WTOS 9.0.4024 and SCEP Enrollment #53657
    • Total Post: 259
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Yeah looks to be similar to my case, I got SCEP working now.  In WTOS 8.6 you actually didn’t need the Admin URL and it would enroll and auto-renew fine (after I fixed the auto-renew issue with our enrollment server).

    I was essentially plugging in the same policy entries in WMS from WTOS8 to WTOS9 so I didn’t have the Admin URL.  When I added the Admin URL with the proper format it worked.

    have you done an upgrade in place from WTOS8 to WTOS9 on an 802.1x enforced port?  I’m assuming you have to open the port (disable 802.1x) because when the device reboots during the upgrade and ALL certificates are wiped out, it won’t be able to authenticate against the port with no cert until it can enroll again in WTOS9.


    in reply to: 9.04 client certificates #53617
    • Total Post: 259
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    I meant if you roll back to 9.01, 9.02 or 9.03.  If you can show Dell that it was working and now, no longer working after the upgrade, it should make it easier for them to address it.

    in reply to: 9.04 client certificates #53615
    • Total Post: 259
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    And if you roll back the firmware, does it work?

    in reply to: 9.04 client certificates #53612
    • Total Post: 259
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Maybe a silly question but are you sure the upgrade didn’t wipe out the local certificate, you verified its still on the device?

    in reply to: Wyse ThinOS 9.0 – poor performance & screen responsiveness #53601
    • Total Post: 259
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    What is your Citrix graphics policy set to?  For actively changing regions or for the entire screen for H.264?  If your VM’s have no GPU, we’ve found “For Actively Changing Regions” works better that “For the entire screen”.

    in reply to: 802.1x Cert Renewal Not Overwriting Old Cert #53377
    • Total Post: 259
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    This was recently resolved by building and testing a new certificate server with a cert half life of four hours, had no problem auto renewing so we then bumped the expiration date to 2 years and I have a calendar reminder to check certain devices at the 1yr mark to make sure they renew.

    Worked with Dell engineering and connecting to one of their test WMS environments they proved it wasn’t a WTOS issue with auto-renew.

    We haven’t triaged the old server to see what the difference is with the new server but the new server works for enrolling Wyse Thin Clients and also Google Chromebooks (which couldn’t enroll at all on the old server) so it must have been an issue with how the server was initially configured some years ago. Wish I had a better answer for you, this took me months to figure out and work with security to test a new server while working from home.

    • Total Post: 259
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    To be clear, it won’t span 3 monitors in ThinOS itself or the Citrix session won’t span 3 monitors?

    What version of Citrix VDA are you running?

    What version of Windows?

    There is a Citrix pixel limitation issue of 4094 pixels in any dimension, are you hitting that?,can%20consume%20can%20be%20configured%20via%20Citrix%20policy.

    • Total Post: 259
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    I don’t have enough experience with Microsoft 2FA SAML auth to know how to do that.

    Also there is no option to populate the email address in WMS nor do I think that even would be an option in WMS I would think that would be your AD folks.

    Spitballing thoughts, maybe you can make a specific Store in Storefront and the URL could populate the email needed but I think that would need to be worked out with your Azure AD team if that’s even possible.

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