XPe PXE Image Pull

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  • #266
    • Total Post: 14
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Here’s our setup:

    – Windows 2003 SP1 (1 x ESX vm + 1 x DL380 G3)
    – Rapport 4.4.1 Enterprise Edition
    – HF04041021605, HF04041020005, HF04041032905
    – Master repository in London site, remote repository in US site
    – SQL 2000 DB

    We’re able to get device images from XPe devices that are linked to the remote repository in the US but not from devices in offices thoughout the UK linked to the master. Even devices on the London LAN fail i.e. same site as the master.
    When I schedule a “get device image” job from a London device the job appears but the clock icon is red like it is waiting for something else to happen before it can run. When I schedule a “get image” from a US device Rapport runs a “software repository synchronisation” job first and then kicks off the pull image job which completes successfully everytime.
    One other thing I should mention, when pulling images from US devices the i2d file is sent to the master rather than remote repository. It is only copied back out to the remote repository during a synchronisation job. This seems a bit rubbish as you should be able to grab an image and store it in the closest remote repository until a synchronisation job can be run during a period of low netwrok utilisation.

    Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

    • Total Post: 1649
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Hi Fauxone01,

    You are still having problems with this, I remember you posting that you could not get the remote site working.

    Let me make sure this is correct:-

    – You can pull an image from the remote site (US) but you can not pull an image on the local LAN (UK)

    – the scheduled job has an error

    If Krazial see’s your post he is the man for this but I will try and help.

    Does the scheduled job error out? Whats the error? Does the client re-boot when you shedule the job and what happens.

    Generally its always the remote site that does not image, local always works.

    You are right, the remote repositories are to deliver software, any incoming files always go to the Master. I have never seen this as an issue as people configure terminals locally and when they have a good image they deploy it out. It is amazing you can push and pull over the WAN but not on the local network,


    • Total Post: 14
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    The cause of my issue? I had mismatching views in “device manager” and “scheduled packages”. Device manager was set to my “Regional Location” view and scheduled packages was set to “all devices”.
    Once I set them both to the same view the image pull worked.

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