Wyse ThinOs ver 9.1.1131 5070 does not retain Citrix windows after reboot

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  • #74169
    • Total Post: 1
    • Newbie

    Hi there, we deployed various wyse terminals and encountered an issue with users using the 5070 and connect via citrix to 2 PC s via citrix Xendesktop.

    Problem:  User has 3 monitors.  Monitor 1 and 2 will launch PC 1, arrange all windows opened.  Monitor 3 will launch PC2 and user will arrange all windows openned as well.

    When user is done for the day, he disconnects from the citrix session.  Next day he login again, the 2 PCs opened in different window and overlaps each other.

    I played with the session properties, ie., window mode, full screen, display resolution and did not have any success.  I noticed that uses on thinos version 8.xx, the windows are retained.

    When I used my windows desktop (regular pc), I connect via  citrix XD to my PC in the office, all the windows are still arranged the way I left it.

    Any input is much appreciated.


    Thank you



    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    I guess that this is a limitation of the Citrix CWA for Linux.
    Could you test with a Ubuntu PC and Linux CWA?


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