Wyse ThinOS 9.1 USB Printing and Monitor Standby

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  • #105769
    • Total Post: 9
    • Regular Joe
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    I recently upgraded a number of Wyse 3040’s to ThisOS 9.1.2101. Unfortunately we’ve experienced a number of issues with this upgrade.

    USB Printers – No longer map to Windows. The thin clients do detect the device, just no mapping. The printer identification matches the driver name etc. This was working up to and including 8.6_710.

    Monitors –  No longer automatically turn on at boot or wake up. Users have to switch monitors off/on to get them going. Monitors are Dell P2217H.

    Environment is RDS 2016.

    Has anyone come across these issues? If so, any workarounds?

    I can downgrade to 8.6_710 for now, however it’s a very manual task.


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