Wyse Terminals not checkin in to WMS

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  • #105593
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    We migrated from WDM to WMS last year 2020 using wesmigrationutil.exe.

    <WESMigrationUtil.exe WDA_14.2.0.51_Unified.exe https://WMSSERVER:443&gt;

    Clients were successfully migrated (October 2020) into WMS and operated as normal.

    <Since the migration was successful only 165/166 tags where put into dhcp scope.>

    — Wyse Clients not checking in —-

    The Clients that are now not reporting (538 of 1022) for 33 days , seem to correspond with the WMS Server encountering a space n issue on that date 15/16 May 2021.Resolved space issue a few days later.

    Since then more than half of the clients are not reporting, on closer inspection on the clients we find that the WDA Agent on these clients have lost their WMS settings.

    (Client logs logupgrade.log confirm wesmigration successful, and ccmprotocolconfig shows wms settings indicating that client was migrated, and the client registered entry on WMS confirming registration)

    Current WDA Versions / 14.4.15

    Current WMS Version:  3.0.656

    I have tried the ccmprotocolconfig  tag edit – unsuccessfull


    I have now upgrade WMS to v3.2.1, those clients have not populated.

    Installed agent onto a few terminals and registered them successfully onto WMS.

    Doing manual installation upgrades not an option.

    >> Any idea how WMS Settings on terminals got ‘lost’ ?

    >>Is there a tool I can use to push these clients into WMS.

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    • Jedi Master
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    Once a client has checked in to WMS they will no longer use DHCP tags. Therefore, you can change whatever you like on your DHCP server, but the clients will not use that.
    That makes perfectly sense, as you are controlling the clients and their group membership from WMS after that.
    Saying that, there is no way or tool to push to the client to remotely configure them, that I am aware of. Looks like a manual configuration.


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