Wyse Device – latest thinos9.1 can i hide event viewer at bootup?

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  • #74033
    • Total Post: 4
    • Newbie

    So everything works fine but was wondering is there a way to hide the system information at boot up from the users? Its just an aesthetic change that has been requested.

    Also is there a way to remove the count down when a user hits the power button so that it disconnects?

    Setup we use:

    • Wyse 5070
    • WMS 3.0
    • Thinos9.1
    • Citrix Workspace Pkg
    • Citrix Netscaler Load balanced Gateway w/certs




    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Hide eventlog? – No
    Shutdown Counter? – I doubt, but check here: Login Experience > Session Settings > Session Settings > Shutdown/Restart Counter Time


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