Wyse 7020 Auto log off

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  • #45202
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    Just recently we  bought some Wyse 7020 with Thinlinux, we got them configured using the storefront, and it works. Now we do have one small issue, when we/user goes to log off, it just logs off the desktop and not the Wyse as well. Currently on our D10’s and 5060’s when a user logs off the desktop, it also logs off the wyse, and powers down. Does anyone know the parameters to make this happen? I went though the Config generator to see if there is a option in there and I do not see it.  Below is my ini file for this.




    ;*************************************************************;*                                                           *;*          This wlx.ini file was generated with the         *;*               Configuration Generator 8.0.04              *;* MANAGED by Ram Gopal     *;*                                                           *;*************************************************************

    ;*************************************************************;*                          General 1                        *;*************************************************************
    ;*************************************************************;*                          General 2                        *;*************************************************************
    Keyboard.layouts=usLanguage=en_US;Japanese;Spanish-LA;Chinese Traditional;Chinese Simplified ImportCerts=en_USAudioVolume=20MicVolume=10
    ;*************************************************************;*                          General 3                        *;*************************************************************
    ;*************************************************************;*                           Display                         *;*************************************************************
    Desktop=aigwall.jpg Layout=StretchDeskColor=#135 horizontal-gradient #235Display.SleepDisplay=60
    ;*************************************************************;*                             Time                          *;*************************************************************
    NTP.Enable=yesNTP.Timeserver=;”12-hour format”TimeZone=”America/Chicago” ManualOverride=1 Daylight=1
    ;*************************************************************;*                           Network                         *;*************************************************************
    ;*************************************************************;*                             ICA                           *;*************************************************************
    ;*************************************************************;*                           Firefox                         *;*************************************************************
    Browser.ClearBrowserData=yesICAAllowUSB=vid=1188 pid=9535
    CCMEnable=Yes CCMServer=https://us1.cloudclientmanager.com GroupRegistrationKey=aiga- MQTTServer=us1-pns.cloudclientmanager.com:1883



    • Total Post: 10696
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    There is no such option in Linux.
    You should open a ticket with Dell to get that feature.


    • Total Post: 3
    • Newbie

    Hi smokingmango, did you find a solution for this? We are facing the same problem.

    I think one way to solve it is to have a process/script running on the thin client, keeping an eye on the session (wfica32 for windows), as soon as the user logs off, the script then sends a logoff to the selfservice process and returns the thinclient to the storefront login prompt.

    Look here for examples for thinos/windows embedded: https://discussions.citrix.com/topic/264458-automatically-logging-off-citrix-session-when-a-use-logs-off-published-desktop/

    (look at the PS script in the bottom)

    I am looking for a similar script for thinlinux. The selfservice binary does not accept –logoff parameter as it does for other platforms.. so trying to find a way to monitor the equivalent process of wfica32 for thinlinux and somehow send a logoff command to selfservice when “wfica32” dies.

    • Total Post: 55
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    Yes we got it figured out, but since Dell stop selling them and supporting them, we took all 80 we had and sent it back to them and got micro 7050 devices

    • Total Post: 3
    • Newbie

    Thanks, do you remember how you solved it?

    • Total Post: 55
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    Let me see if the files are still on our server. I will get back with you if they are.

    • Total Post: 2
    • Newbie

    I would suggest creating an addon to run a command at logoff.

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