Wyse 5010 FW 8.5 gateway problem

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  • #46312
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    We´re installed FW 8.5 to out DELL WYSE 5010 (D10D) thin clients when it was released. After that we have lot´s of problems with users, because they are disconnected from RDP server. It takes 2-5 minutes when our Win2016 gateway server disconnect them while they are log in. We´re using WMS 1.1 configuration. With 8.4_112 Firmware everything works fine. Can you help me with that ?

    Here you can see logs from our gateway:


    Here is our WMS configuration for now:

    22 items configured
    Privilege level : High
    Enable Gkey reset : Yes
    Enable Trace : No
    Enable VNC : Yes
    VNC Password : ••••••
    Prompt user on start : Yes
    Query user timeout : 10
    Prompt user on end : No
    View only : No
    Force 8bit : No
    Certificates : ***********
    Allow lockdown : Yes
    Require domain login : Yes
    Disable guest users : No
    Require reentering password : No
    Require smartcard : No
    Encrypt local flash : No
    Disable WDM Service : No
    Disable ThinPrint Service : No
    Disable VNC Shadowing : No
    Fast Disconnect Key : No
    Auto-install Certificates : Yes


    Visual Experience
    9 items configured
    Classic Desktop vs Zero Launchpad : Zero Launchpad
    Action after All Sessions Exit : None
    Enable Zero toolbar activation in left margin : On Mouseover after specified seconds
    Number of seconds before toolbar is activated : No delay
    Disable Home Icon : No
    Toolbar Disable Mouse : Yes
    Desktop Wallpaper : No
    Company Logo : No
    EULA at login : No


    Firmware Upgrade
    4 items configured
    Firmware Update Logic : Any different firmware
    5010 : ZD10_wnos-8.4_112
    Skip Local Firmware Check (See warning in description) : Yes
    Disable Live Upgrade : Yes


    9 items configured
    Line 1 : DomainList=”******”
    Line 2 : Language=Cz Charset=ISO-8859-2
    Line 3 : LanguageBar=yes Language=CZ
    Line 4 : Inactive=120
    Line 5 : TimeServer=*********
    Line 6 : TimeZone=’GMT + 01:00′ ManualOverride=yes Daylight=yes Start=030507 End=100507 TimeZoneName=”Central Europe Standard Time” DayLightName=”Central Europe Daylight Time”
    Line 7 : SysMode=VDI toolbardisablemouse=yes ToolbarEnableOneSession=yes
    Line 8 : SessionConfig=RDP EnableNLA=yes ForceSpan=no EnableRecord=yes USBRedirection=RDP
    No Global INI : No


    Select Broker : Microsoft
    Broker Server : https://***********
    Default color depth for connections : 32-bit
    Manually define direct RDP connections : No
    Configure TS Gateway : No
    Font Smoothing : No
    Advanced RDP protocol features : No
    Printers : Yes
    Serials : Yes
    SmartCards : Yes
    Sound : Yes
    Enable USB storage disks : No
    Enable USB Redirection : Yes, redirect all USB devices
    Mouse queue timer : 20
    4 pixel Aligned Session Width : No


    Thank you

    • Total Post: 22
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Hi crawn,

    We have those exact same issues as you do with WYSE and RDS 2016 Gateways.

    We use WMS 1.0 and WYSE 3040 With ThinOS 8.4_112 (production) and ThinOS 8.5_009 (test).

    I don’t think the Gateway problem is related to the 8.5 release.

    We see the same Gateway crash as early as 29.12.2017, long before 8.5 was released. I have registered a case with MS on this last Friday. Waiting for reponse….

    When it comes to WYSE and random disconnects (for us it is from a couple of Seconds up to 20 minutes), I think this is due to UDP sessions dropping. It seems like it doesn’t happen if UDP is not eneabled in WYSE config.

    Been having a case going with Dell support for a long time about the disconnects, but it is not solved yet.

    Please let me know if you find any more info regarding this.

    • Total Post: 56
    • Back Stage Pass
    • ★★★★


    Thank you for your information. We´ve problem only with 8.5_009, problem never occured before. I dont know if there are problems from Mircosoft or DELL side (or WMS config ?). If you´ll have any new information, please let me know.

    • Total Post: 22
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★


    I’ve done some more testing. Conclusion is the same as crawn:

    – Happens only when running ThinOS 8.5_*** (older Versions are not affected).
    – It is not related to UDP as I first stated, Still happens when UDP is disabled.
    – Not able to reproduce the problem with other devices/rdp clients.
    – Easiest way I have been able to reproduce the issue is to start a Youtube video from the device and wait for the GW service to crash. Most of the time it happens within two hours.

    • Total Post: 56
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    • ★★★★


    Anyone tryied 8.5_112 if that solve this problem ?

    • Total Post: 22
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    I tried installing it for Wyse 3040, but the image was bad, I reported the error to Dell so they pulled it back from Digital Locker. Waiting for new image.

    The image for 5010 (D10D) looks correct, maybe you can try it crawn?


    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Any updates here?
    Has anyone tested 8.5_012?
    Can anyone try with enabled UDP AND ThinOS parameter
    SessionConfig=RDP TSGWUDP=yes


    • Total Post: 56
    • Back Stage Pass
    • ★★★★


    I dont have access to digital locker now so i cant download newest firmware. But i will try that parameters

    SessionConfig=RDP TSGWUDP=yes

    at FW 8.5_009  and let you know.

    • Total Post: 56
    • Back Stage Pass
    • ★★★★

    Can i write it into 1 line like this ?

    SessionConfig=RDP TSGWUDP=yes EnableNLA=yes ForceSpan=no EnableRecord=yes USBRedirection=RDP

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Yes you can


    • Total Post: 22
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★


    I have tried with 8.5_012 and TSGWUDP=yes.

    The problem is still there.

    I started a test yesterday, service crashed 4 times yesterday after 10 minutes, 23 minutes, 65 minutes and 133 minutes. After that it was stable for almost 25 hours until it crashed again recently.


    • Total Post: 7
    • Newbie


    I´m setting up a test rds farm and are facing the same problems with 5010 Thin Clients..

    We´ve tried with 8.5_009 and

    SessionConfig=RDP TSGWUDP=yes EnableNLA=yes ForceSpan=no EnableRecord=yes USBRedirection=RDP

    It worked for a while, but since friday its happening again that gateway server service crashes.

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    This will be fixed in the next ThinOS release.


    • Total Post: 22
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Hi ConfGen,

    Thats great news, when do you think the release with this fix is ready for download?


    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Planed for September but not confirmed.


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