Wyse 3040 with ThinOS 9.1.1131 installed first boot

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  • #105938
    • Total Post: 20
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★


    I just received a batch of Wyse 3040 with ThinOS 9.1.1131 preinstalled.

    I was surprised with all the multiple, long lasting configuration steps I had to go through before gaining access to the desktop, including encryption of the various OS and packages, selecting the keyboard, setting the WMS parameters amongst others.

    I found this to be a step back : until version 8.x, all you had to do was plugging in the mouse, keyboard, display(s), network cable and power adapter, and boom, you got your configuration set up through the DHCP options (WNOS.INI sent via FTP), so anyone could install it without IT support.

    At the moment, I have not set up the new DHCP options to set up the WMS setup (via group token). If I set up the DHCP options, will I avoid the manual configuration at first startup ?



    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Yes. Once you enable DHCP or DNS tags for the clients to automatically find your WMS server, you do not have to do a single manual step anymore.


    • Total Post: 20
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    It worked!

    Thanks a lot.

    One last question: after upgrading a 3040 to version 8.6_807 from 8.6_028 using the WMS manually entered in the Central configuration, I get a red warning message  in the session login window that says :

    ‘Client configuration were obtained using an unsecure connection. Please consider the potential security risk before proceeding’

    How can I get rid of this warnin that may raise unwanted concern among my users ?


    • Total Post: 20
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Seems i found the cause for this : the FTP server that was used previously is still present in the Central Configuration>General.

    I suppressed it and restarted and the warning has disappeared.

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