Wyse 3040 ThinOS 9.1 + Online WMS + pinpad smartcard readers

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  • #105805
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    • Regular Joe
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    Just wanted to share with everyone that we have managed to make Barclays PinPad smartcard readers working with Wyse 3040 ThinOS 9.1 managed by the online WMS:

    Running firmware 9.1.2102 and WMS version 3.3 on the EMEA tenant, the missing option was under Advanced / Peripheral / CCID and where you must have “Disable Security Pinpad” setting disabled:

    The Barclays online access is only accepting these readers:

    ·         EZIO Shield PIN pad reader

    ·         SWYS PIN pad reader

    And they are now working OK with that setting disabled (wasn’t working before)

    As it took us weeks to find out about this, hopefully this article would be available on search engines and would help others who have the same issue!


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