Wyse 3040 flash “locked”?

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  • #107647
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    Hello Technicalhelp community,

    I maintain a fleet of a couple hundred Wyse units, 3040 and 5070, and I’m having an issue with one specific device.  This particular unit seems stuck on ThinOS 9.1.2 and nothing I do appears to be able to change that.

    I have attempted the normal WDM upgrade to 9.1.3 which all the other units followed, but this unit reports “unable to upgrade packages” when it attempts to install.

    I have attempted to downgrade it to 8.6 via USB imaging tool, which appears to work successfully but after reboot it’s back to 9.1.2.  I’ve also tried to upgrade to 9.1.3 and 9.1.6 via USB tool with the same effect.

    The unit has two application packages loaded on it (Citrix Workspace and Jabber).  If I go into System Tools and “Delete All” the packages appear to be removed, but after reboot they are restored – despite the configuration group this unit is currently assigned to having no software packages attached for installation.


    After all of this, my only conclusion is that the flash memory has somehow become “write protected” and that any changes are lost after reboot.   I have restored the BIOS to factory settings.  I have opened the casing and disconnected the CMOS battery and held down the CMCLR1 and PWCLR1 buttons for 1 minute.  Nothing I’ve thought of has released it from this state.

    Is there a way to unlock the write protection on the harddrive on these units, or is this unit essentially defective?


    Thank you.

    Chris S
    • Total Post: 62
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    Have you tried reimaging the thin client with a thumb drive using wyse imaging tool?


    You’ll need to download a merlin version thinos to make the thumbdrive.


    • Total Post: 3
    • Newbie

    I appreciate the response, but yes, as noted in my original post I have tried the USB Imaging Tool.

    Chris S
    • Total Post: 62
    • Back Stage Pass
    • ★★★★

    Sorry I didn’t see that. Just so many adds on these web pages now.

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