WYSE 3040 automaticaly updates itself??

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  • #53619
    • Total Post: 10
    • Regular Joe
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    we have a customer with some WYSE 3040.

    We have no WYSE management systems installed, the clients are installed and configured manualy with config files made with configmaker.The Customer complains, that sometimes the clients will automaticaly update itself, resulting in lost configuration, missing certficates and so on, leaving the TC unusable.
    I have told them, that there is NO automatic update mechanism in the 3040 and that the only possibility is, that thes accidently resetet the client in the boot menue during shutdown.

    Am i right, or did i really miss thomething important about this “magic updates”?

    Is it possible to prevent the user from accidently wiping the config to “factory default”?

    Any help is usefull.

    Thank You





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