WT3630LE RDP to Windows Vista PC

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  • #1328
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    I’m trying to connect via RDP from a WT3630LE with Windows CE 4.0 (RDP 5.1 Build 12) to a PC with Windows Vista Ultimate. I can’t start a direct connection but I can RDP to a Windows Server 2003 box, then RDP from there to the Windows Vista PC. Why can’t I RDP directly to the Vista PC? Please help!

    • Total Post: 1649
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    I think you answered your own questions 5.1 client to Vista? Wayyy to old a client, sorry!

    • Total Post: 4
    • Newbie

    Okay… Well, I’ve read that there is a way to upgrade or crossgrade this unit to either Windows CE 5 or WTOS/Blazer. I imagine it’s probably a no-no to ask for OS images. Can someone just point me in the right direction to cross-grade or upgrade this unit? I have 2 of these, one is running Blazer already but has some issues that I’ll post in the Blazer forum. I’d love to get them running identical firmware/software for my kids to use. Thnaks.

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
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    you would need a conversion to kit to Wyse Thin OS (aka Blazer).
    You can get this via Wyse partners. Contact Wyse to get a list of partners in your area.


    • Total Post: 96
    • Back Stage Pass
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    Actually, you should be able to RDP into Vista. It won’t be as “pretty” as the new clients, but you can do it.

    There is a policy in Vista that is preventing it from happening. I don’t have a vista machine handy, so I can’t give you the exact wording, but I believe it is something along the lines of allow only newer clients to connect or something like that. Basically you need to tell your vista machine to allow it to answer connection requests from previous RDP clients.

    You might also run into problems with other policies that prevent you from logging in, but that should get you started.

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