WMS upgrade to 3.5 fails on MongoDB version

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  • #106667
    [email protected]
    • Total Post: 37
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    I restored my VM with Wyse Version 3.3.1 again.
    It’s pretty anoying that the upgrade to v3.5 can’t be done in a “normal” way/procedure.
    Anybody any other ideas?

    • Total Post: 275
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    I tried the trick to copy /bin form another 3.5 installation.

    The upgrade now fails on

    “unsupported database password format..<must be super complex format bla bla>. Reset the database password in Portal administration”.

    Whereabout ?


    [email protected]
    • Total Post: 37
    • Frequent Flyer
    • ★★★

    Is there still no solution to upgrade in a smooth way from 3.3.1 to 3.5 (or even newer 3.5.2 now)?
    I still get the wrong Mongo DB version error.

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