WMS update to 4.0 from 3.8 fail

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  • #108338
    [email protected]
    • Total Post: 1
    • Newbie



    I have a problem to upgrade WMS from 3.8 to 4.0


    Here are last few lines from WMSInstall log

    2023-7-13 T12:06:38::CustomFunctions::1643::Completed Action: InstallFeatureFiles
    2023-7-13 T12:06:38::CustomFunctions::4943::Source: C:\Program Files\DELL\WMS\Archive-7132023-115232\MongoDBDestination: C:\Program Files\DELL\WMS\MongoDB
    2023-7-13 T12:06:38::CustomFunctions::4964::Copy Command : “C:\Program Files\DELL\WMS\Archive-7132023-115232\MongoDB” “C:\Program Files\DELL\WMS\MongoDB” mongod.cfg /r:0 …
    2023-7-13 T12:06:39::CustomFunctions::4972::Copy completed with return code: 1
    2023-7-13 T12:06:41::Upgrade::772::
    2023-7-13 T12:06:51::Upgrade::772::
    2023-7-13 T12:07:01::Upgrade::5261::In function: RevokeRoleToMongoUser
    2023-7-13 T12:07:01::CustomFunctions::5148::In Function CAdeleteFolders
    2023-7-13 T12:07:01::CustomFunctions::5150::File to Delete: “C:\Program Files\DELL\WMS\MongoDB\bin\RevokeRole.bat”
    2023-7-13 T12:07:01::CustomFunctions::5156::File Doesn’t exist
    2023-7-13 T12:07:01::Upgrade::5286::mongo.exe -u stratus -p***** –authenticationDatabase admin localhost:27017/admin –eval “db.revokeRolesFromUser( ‘stratus’ , [{ role: ‘backup’, db: ‘admin’ }] )” >C:\Users\a1-dojcivl\AppData\Local\Temp\2\RevokeRole.log 2>&1
    2023-7-13 T12:07:02::Upgrade::5293::RevokeRole script execution returned: 0
    2023-7-13 T12:07:02::CustomFunctions::5148::In Function CAdeleteFolders
    2023-7-13 T12:07:02::CustomFunctions::5150::File to Delete: “C:\Program Files\DELL\WMS\MongoDB\bin\RevokeRole.bat”
    2023-7-13 T12:07:02::CustomFunctions::5161::Delete File Command : /C DEL /Q /F “C:\Program Files\DELL\WMS\MongoDB\bin\RevokeRole.bat” …
    2023-7-13 T12:07:02::CustomFunctions::5169::File deletion completed with return code: 0
    2023-7-13 T12:07:02::CustomFunctions::6898::szFormattedVersion1:
    2023-7-13 T12:07:14::Upgrade::820::The operation completed successfully.

    2023-7-13 T12:07:25::Upgrade::835::FeatureTransferData return: The operation completed successfully.

    2023-7-13 T12:07:28::Upgrade::2578::DB batch script execution returned: 0
    2023-7-13 T12:07:28::Upgrade::2598::DB batch script execution returned: 0
    2023-7-13 T12:07:28::Upgrade::2619::DB batch script execution returned: 0
    2023-7-13 T12:07:28::Upgrade::2639::DB batch script execution returned: 0
    2023-7-13 T12:07:28::Upgrade::2660::DB batch script execution returned: 0
    2023-7-13 T12:07:28::Upgrade::2680::DB batch script execution returned: 0
    2023-7-13 T12:07:28::Upgrade::2701::DB batch script execution returned: 0
    2023-7-13 T12:07:28::Upgrade::2721::DB batch script execution returned: 0
    2023-7-13 T12:07:28::Upgrade::2743::DB batch script execution returned: 0
    2023-7-13 T12:07:28::Upgrade::2763::DB batch script execution returned: 0
    2023-7-13 T12:07:28::Upgrade::2785::DB batch script execution returned: 0
    2023-7-13 T12:07:28::Upgrade::2805::DB batch script execution returned: 0
    2023-7-13 T12:07:28::Upgrade::2815:: /c “C:\Program Files\DELL\WMS\Install\bin\MigrateDB.bat” 4.7.8 stratus *** 3306 localhost stratus *** 27017 localhost
    2023-7-13 T12:07:33::Upgrade::2823::Database migration script execution returned: 1
    2023-7-13 T12:07:43::Upgrade::845::Database migration failed, hence restoring…


    Thanks for any help in advance!!

    • Total Post: 12
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    WMS upgrade from 3.8.181 to 4.4


    1. Install wms_hotfix_3.8.0.182

    – note: i install this hotfix but WMW still say 3.8.181

    2. Install wms_4.0.0.526

    h t t p s://<wms-server-ip>/ccm-web/setup


    “WMS Server was unable to complete your request due to internal error or misconfiguration. ”


    • Total Post: 12
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    3. Install hotfix

    version is now: WMS 4.0 HF1 540

    • Total Post: 12
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    4. Install hotfix

    version is now: WMS 4.0 HF3 550

    still get this error at address: https://<wms-server-ip>/ccm-web/setup

    “WMS Server was unable to complete your request due to internal error or misconfiguration. ”

    • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 3 days ago by fbifido.
    • Total Post: 12
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    5. install WMS_4.1.0.536.exe

    Upgrade failed.

    Upgrade failed

    Restore failed

    Rollback failed



    2024-7-5 T08:17:42::Upgrade::4173::Failed to Delete folder C:\Program Files\DELL\WMS\OpenJDK-17.0.6 : Backup available in C:\Program Files\DELL\WMS\Archive-722024-112837




    • This reply was modified 3 weeks ago by fbifido.
    • This reply was modified 3 weeks ago by fbifido.
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