WMS – Targeted group token assignments

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  • #49943
    • Total Post: 10
    • Regular Joe
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    Hello! First off, great site! Definitely the best place for all things WDM/WMS.

    I’m currently taking over the transition from WDM to WMS in my company and need help with Group Token handling. Currently our WDM setup uses DHCP tags (not DNS) for registration. We have several buildings and each has their own DHCP servers which I can assign tags for.

    Right now the best I can do is give each building its own group token. (Ex: defa-building1, defa-building2, etc.)

    If I wanted to be more granular, say give each floor its own group token, what would be the best way of handling that? (ex: defa-building2-floor1, etc) Considering the one dhcp server per building limitation?

    My reasoning is that is that we want to be able to push/stager updates/upgrade (firmware, or whatever) on specific buildings and floors at any given time if needed.

    We currently handle that with powershell running on the free version of WDM. Its done looking for specific IP ranges (which each floor has) and modifying the mac.ini files for those devices within that range.

    Hope that makes sense. Thank you in advance!

    • Total Post: 94
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    If you are planning on using WMS free version, you will need to setup DHCP tags per subnet to assign to WMS group.  If you are using PRO version, then you can use DNS SRV records. WMS can automatically assign clients to configuration groups based on subnet or subnet range (supernetting specifications).

    If you use subnet range to assign clients to a WMS group, WMS Pro can also dynamically create sub groups based on different subnets within range(I have never tested it out).  Other attributes within WMS Pro to assign a client to group outside of network, will require you to populate fields on clients prior to registering client to WMS. i.e custom 1 – 3, location.

    Another option is to use INI  or RSP files for client that accept them.

    • Total Post: 10
    • Regular Joe
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    My apologies on the delayed response. Thank you so much for your feedback! I’m currently testing WMS Pro (45 day trial) and will look into using DNS SRV’s as we are currently configured to use DCHP option tags. Especially since, from what you mentioned, I’ll be able to configure it the way I want going that route. Back to testing! Thanks again.

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    You’re Welcome.  I forgot to mention you can use DNS SRV records for WMS free version as well.  However, all your clients would end up in the same configuration group due to WMS free lacking the ability to assign clients on specific subnets to separate configuration groups.  This would work well for a use case with only one configuration group. As mentioned above, this can be overcome by setting up DHCP option tags to point client to any specific configuration group desired per subnet.

    Let us know if you have anymore questions.

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