WMS “doesn’t exist”

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  • #105652
    • Total Post: 30
    • Frequent Flyer
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    I’m a bit perplexed here, or maybe I’m completely missing something obvious. I initially installed WMS on Server 2019 Essentials but it never seemed to exist. Running the shortcut opened the Windows Admin Center and WMS never loaded. I thought maybe this was because it was Essentials and not Standard so I reinstalled after upgrading to Server 2019 Standard. The same issue still persists, it just doesn’t exist. I can’t work out what to do next or where to look for anything. I’ve tried what I can from the troubleshooting guide but of course this assumes that the installation works in the first place!

    • Total Post: 30
    • Frequent Flyer
    • ★★★

    I just edited the original post but obviously it timed out of the edit period while I was doing so and lost my edit. 🙁

    Basically,I installed it but the server is running IIS so I guess this just doesn’t work at all.

    I can only use WMS on Windows Server 2019 Standard (not Essentials) and I can only use it on a machine not running IIS, so that means I can’t use Windows Admin Center or WSUS so I have to set up a completely separate server, that I can’t remotely manage with the rest of the servers and I can’t even use the basic version of Windows Server, I have to use the most expensive one?

    Am I missing something obvious here? Feels like I’m having my leg pulled.

    • Total Post: 30
    • Frequent Flyer
    • ★★★

    Doing some more troubleshooting here. Stopping IIS doesn’t seem to help anyway, Windows Admin Center still loads when I go to localhost, where I assume I am supposed to see WMS? Seems IIS is used for the WSUS but then WMS and WAC use their own embedded web servers.

    This is enterprise grade stuff, why is it performing worse than all the free/community/consumer packages that I use. Driving me crazy this!

    • Total Post: 30
    • Frequent Flyer
    • ★★★

    Well disabling Windows Admin Center and IIS still doesn’t achieve anything so maybe this just doesn’t work if they are even installed?

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    As WMS is coming with Apache Tomcat web server, this will conflict with any other service using the same ports.
    Maybe you can adjust the ports being used by the Admin Console?

    Or check this:

    WMS Portal – Page cannot be Displayed:
    • Request WMS service logs for review
    o Tomcat related log files:
     C:\Program Files\DELL\WMS\Tomcat-8\logs
    o Stratus website log file:
     C:\Program Files\DELL\WMS\Tomcat-8\stratus.log
    • Noted date gaps in logs
    o This gives us the likely window for how long it’s been an issue
    • Check Logs for error binding to port 8005
    o SEVERE [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.await StandardServer.await: create[localhost:8005]:
    java.net.BindException: Address already in use: JVM_Bind
    • Start > run > cmd > Netstat -ano
    o Provides list of ports in use on the server
    o Confirm whether port 8005 (default tomcat port) is already in use
     Windows Express Updating Service for security updates may conflict
    • Would appear as system service with low PID such as PID =’4’
    o Check PID against Taskmgr if unsure of Process name
    • Resolve Port Conflict by updating Tomcat config to use different port:
    o Tomcat Port defined in:
     C:\Program Files\DELL\WMS\Tomcat-8\conf\server.xml
    o Confirm availability of open ports with netstat -ano
     Recommend port 8010 to give space for other services and skip over other tomcat port requirements
    • Restart service (or entire server)
    • Confirm functionality restored


    • Total Post: 30
    • Frequent Flyer
    • ★★★

    Ah thanks, yes. This got me pointed in the right direction. Several things didn’t help the clarity here, using regular Notepad to check the file for instance is a nightmare as the default sample entries are all in there so I had been changing the wrong one. Opening the file in Notepad++ and it was much clearer that most of the file was redundant. Also restarting the service from the command line and it times out, although it does eventually stop and starting the service takes a while too.

    I’ve installed it on another server that isn’t doing anything apart from WMS now. I can’t see why it can’t run IIS etc alongside Tomcat/WMS etc. I’ll see if it stops working now if I add WSUS/IIS etc back on this server…

    • Total Post: 30
    • Frequent Flyer
    • ★★★

    OK a bit more testing with this. Seems you can move the default port but all the documentation says you can’t use alternative ports for the devices so this is pretty pointless. I have WMS back on port 443 but the ThinOS devices seem to ignore DNS_SRV records for WMS, although as a test I entered a WDM record and it read that so I’m not sure how we get ThinOS devices to register on WMS automatically?

    • Total Post: 30
    • Frequent Flyer
    • ★★★

    I think I’m driving myself a bit crazy here (and also I should go and eat something). Some of the new clients are <8.3 so I need to set the other DHCP server up to get them to load the wnos.ini, which will then also allow them to update then we can switch to the new DHCP server with the DNS-SRV records.

    User error again, all the existing clients are >8.3 typically hence the confusion.

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Why don’t you use the wnos.ini parameters to push the old clients to WMS?


    • Total Post: 30
    • Frequent Flyer
    • ★★★

    That’s what I’ve ended up doing. I’m doing this in the lab but the goal was to set up a new environment with just the WMS server but looks like I’ll have to use the wnos.ini files and have the FTP service running to get the older ThinOS devices to 8.6 first.

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