WMS devcie key is not existed

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  • #107397
    • Total Post: 16
    • Regular Joe
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    I upgrade a 3040 to 9.1.6108 and that’s the error I’m getting, (spelling/grammar)

    wms: failed to check-in WMS devcie key is not existed.


    I tried making a new group, unregistering, moving to different groups, resetting etc.


    Any ideas?

    • Total Post: 259
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Usually the message means what it says. Is it getting the update but then giving that message?  Are you WMS public cloud? In a recent WMS public cloud update they started enforcing the case sensitivity of the registration token. Meaning it has always been in the admin guide that the WMS group registration token needed capital and lower case and numeric characters. When you would register with the token it wasn’t always enforcing the specific upper and lower cases until recently.

    Example would be to create the group in WMS you had to use a mix

    xxxx-WTOS9_California1 would be valid

    You could register the device previously by typing xxxx-wtos9_california1 and it didn’t care it would successfully check in to WMS.

    Now when registering you have to type it exactly as the group token: xxxx-WTOS9_California1 or it fails to check in.

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