Wireless settings not saved in firmware 9.1.5067

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  • #106723
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    We are testing the 9.1.5067 firmware and are seeing the settings being pushed via WMS policy for our wireless connection are not being saved on the devices.   When the devices are rebooted, the wireless settings under Wireless Settings > WLAN are missing so the device never connects.  Downgrading the devices to 9.1.4234 with all the same policy settings applied and this issue does not happen.

    Jim Lathan
    • Total Post: 314
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    I am using WMS Version: WMS 3.5.1 12 with 5070 and found no issue.

    My settings are below:

    Wireless Settings WMS 3.5.1 and 5070

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    From that image it appears you have your wireless set to always disabled.  Also, I was speaking specifically about the ThinOS version running on the thin client and not WMS version.


    Jim Lathan
    • Total Post: 314
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    My apologies, wrong image posted will correct. What version of WMS are you using, it may matter now that you are using 9.1 5067.

    As I stated it’s working for me.

    [email protected]
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    Dell/Wyse support did confirm that there is a known issue with the 9.1.5067 firmware and wireless passwords that contain the special characters , (comma) or @ (at sign).

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