WES7P 9.08 clients registering to WMS

  • This topic has 3 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 years ago by SWTH.
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  • #105679
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    What is the best way of getting clients on this version of Windows to register on WMS?

    Seemingly seems to be no local option for WMS, only WDM but the firmware version appears to be newer than the latest I can see on the Dell support site (they list 9.04 as the latest).

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    Answering my own questions here again! The migration scripts were confusing me, you need to use the tool but again Dell changing the names of everything is confusing. The old Wyse WESMigrationUtil.exe is now the Dell WMS_Import_Tool.exe I believe? WMS has the script included when you add the local repository so you just need to use the above WMS_Import_Tool.exe to upgrade WDA on the WES clients?

    The images on the Dell site for WES7 & WES7P are downloaded as .exe files, adding these to the folder that the WMS help says to add them to results in them being rejected. I assume they need unpacking or putting somewhere else? I need these files to be able to reset the terminals to defaults from what I have pieced together.

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    Again, just to answer my own questions and so people don’t end up like https://xkcd.com/979/

    > The old Wyse WESMigrationUtil.exe is now the Dell WMS_Import_Tool.exe I believe?

    No. WMS_Import_Tool.exe does not run on WES7P. WESMigrationUtil.exe is not on the Dell site for download (that I can find) but it is packaged with the WES Migration scripts in the downloads section here so can be extracted from that to use to upgrade WDA on WES7P clients to get them on WMS.

    > I assume they need unpacking or putting somewhere else?

    No. Just download them then copy them to the zipped folder (as per the tooltip in WMS) but change the extension from exe to zip. WMS will then import them.

    • Total Post: 30
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    After running the migration scripts from the downloads section and getting nowhere I found within the executable there is an rsp script with  some unfilled information (WMS URL for instance). There are no guides on how to fill this in or on how to use the migration scripts so I guess they are Dell scripts just rehosted here that don’t actually work?

    After pulling various files together of my own and making my own Windows batch script I can now update WDA on the WES7 machines and register them to the WMS server. Seems the commands I found mentioned on other sites to do it all in one go don’t work and WDA never gets properly installed.

    I assume these migration scripts are meant for WDM registered devices? IS there no simple way of updating/installing WDA and registering it to a WMS server? Seems you have to do it pretty much manually.

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