Webcam Redirection

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    Hello Everybody,
    I have a problem with the webcam redirection.
    It is a screen with a built-in webcam and a built-in microphone.
    The microphone is well redirected but not the webcam.
    The connection is to an RDS collection, it works very well with a laptop, so it is not a problem of collection settings or GPO.
    A part of WNOS:

    ;* RDP *
    SessionConfig=ALL VUSB_VIDEO=Yes
    ;- RDP Session 1 –
    ;- Each line but the last must end with a ‘\’ –

    Device=vusb ForceRedirect=0x04f2,0xb727,0xef,0x02,0x01
    SessionConfig=RDP EnableRdpH264=No TSGWEnable=no EnableRecord=yes

    Firmware 8.6_013

    Thanks in advance for your help πŸ™‚



    • Total Post: 275
    • Jacked into The Matrix
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    VUSB_VIDEO=Yes or “ForceRedirect” means a low-level (RemoteFX) redirection. The camera should appear in the Device Manager just like a regular (local) device.

    That said, some camera work some don’t. There’s a “Tested devices” list in ThinOSΒ  release notes. (There’s no integrated camera in that list which is quite short BTW.)

    • Total Post: 275
    • Jacked into The Matrix
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    I mean, even when apparently well redirected some camera work, other don’t. No clue.

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