WDM Blazer S10

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  • #610
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    • Newbie

    Hi ive currently got two ftp servers on two sites that i use for about 300 Franklins and S10’s, Ive setup a rapport WDM server on one of the sites and have setup one of my subnets in the configuration for monitoring.

    Can anyone answer the following questions.
    1. How configurable ( if at all ) are the S10’s ( Blazer ) from WDM
    2. How much data does WDM push out when it polls and would you run it across the WAN. ( One rapport server polling two networks
    3. Do i have to buy the enterprise license to enable reporting in to a sql database.

    Thanks All

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Hope that helps.
    1. S10 and all other WTOS based clients are not really configurable via WDM. You can only use the so called DDC (Default Device Configuration) to push a special config based on group membership to the client. Actually this is just a different wnos.ini from your WDM servers FTP. To use DDC you’ll need the Enterprise Edition.
    2. WDM does not poll at all. The client are checking in to WDM on a regular interval (default is 1 hour). This checkin is only one data packet. So you can forget about traffic. It is nothing.
    3. No, even Workgroup Edition is working with SQL server.


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