WDA on WES, allow User profile to manage device registration


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  • #108043
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    We have roughly 20 locations using WES thin clients (5060, 5070, soon to be Optiplex 3000TC) in their manufacturing environments.  Over the years, we have found that sometimes clients get unregistered for whatever reason and they put themselves in a config that requires manual intervention to reconnect them to WMS.

    I’m making new images for the devices and I’d like to explore allowing the User profile to manage registration to the server.  More specifically, I’d like the User profile to be able to open WDA from the system tray and, when the client is unregistered, be able to select the auto discovery option and prompt the client to register again.

    Many of our sites have group admins now that can handle the re-registration locally if we can expose it in the User profile.  We don’t hand out the Admin profile password to the group admins.

    Anyone tried this before and/or know how it can be done?

    • Total Post: 36
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    Figured this one out myself today.  Turns out, if the User account is placed in the Power Users group, WDA must consider it an administrator and so it will have rights to manage the registration of the client from the system tray!  Per Microsoft, the Power Users group has no more rights than a regular User so there should be no unwanted access as a result of making this change.  I did some cursory testing to confirm this but probably more is needed.

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