VDI with V10L over Internet connections.

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  • #783
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    Thanks in large part to some great tips from this forum, I’ve had some success with our POC of VDI with V10Ls. Now I’m getting questions about implementing it at our other locations

    I’ve heard that VDI doesn’t work so great over Internet connections. Is anyone doing this? Is it worth taking a stab at?

    • Total Post: 1649
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Great! Did you play with the Mulit Media acceleration in the POC? What did you think?

    Anyway, I digress…

    Now using V10L over WAN links is fine however you will face a challenge over the open Internet. The main reason is that the only SSL piece currently installed is for Citrix so Desktop Server 2 via PN agent would be OK.

    With LeoStream you can encrypt the login and communication but the session is RDP direct to the desktop, so the only opotion would be the PPtP VPN (yuck).

    A good question is weather the V10L will support the VMware SSL client and if it supports the Provision VAS SSL Client – this would be secure. I don’t have the answers yet to these questions however I am working on getting them.

    What is you deployment like, internal WAN or untrusted remote access?


    • Total Post: 30
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    No, haven’t had need for media acceleration yet. I do need to look at USB support soon though.

    Judging from your post, it sounds like my doubts about VDI over Internet connections (yeah, no WAN links, unsecure Internet), may have some merit.

    Not a big problem for now. Just thought I’d check to see if I was missing anything.

    Thanks for your help.

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