V10LE ISO / image to install..

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  • #105728
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    Hello there, and first off, thank you Thomas for gathering all these resources and spending the time keeping this stuff available and out there.  I have been to many websites seeking a solution, and yours is by far the best from what I’ve seen and read!

    That being said……

    I’m having a real tough time tracking down the required software to get a V10LE up and running.

    I downloaded the WYSE Imager (WSI_4.1.5) as well as the VL10_wnos (the ONLY files I could seem to find regarding my V10LE) and the two seem to not have anything to do with each other..  The imager installs, but when I launch it, the select product has nothing for V10, minimum is V12.  Picking it (based on guess that it’s closest?) opens another dialog box where it has a bunch of blank boxes and of course, wants me to browse to the image file (An .i2d, .bin., xml., or .rsp – none of which I have nor could find in the downloads).

    Please advise, thanks in advance!!


    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Does you V10LE boot at all?
    Why do you want to use WSI for imaging?


    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Just in case, I have uploaded the V10LE Merlin image that is needed for WSI imaging.


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    So this unit was bought used, and was locked down with no admin password, which prevented me from editing the ini to get it to point to anything (since I couldn’t edit the file, I couldn’t change IP, couldn’t get it to pxe boot, couldn’t point it to look at my server to create a connection etc..  Just had the icon they used to establish their rdp session (which I also couldn’t edit/change lol).  Even if I could pxe boot I don’t have the image for it to use, and I did eventually find that I *could* do the pxe boot, by changing the bios boot order, but again no image to host for pxe boot..  Everyone elsewhere says to use WSI to make a bootable usb drive for the V10lE that will put ThinOS back on it fresh and new, and then either configure it manually that way, or run the configuration generator you host here to set it all up and copy the ini file over..  But without a way to get fresh ThinOS on my V10LE, I’m dead in the water.

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    If imaging with the uploaded image does not succeed, you could set up a small ftp server with the matching IP address of the requested fileserver of your V10LE. You could then place your own wnos.ini there and this way unlock the client.


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    What tool would you recommend to get the image onto usb?  Tried the dell one mentioned in first post which only has a V12 option, it did let me load the .xml, had it at about 123mb on the usb, but when I boot to it with the V10LE, it just says “PRESS A KEY TO REBOOT”, so doesn’t like it I take it, lol..  Oddly, the same usb keyboard/mouse dongle that works fine in the ThinOS, well, keyboard is non-responsive to the keypress..  Works fine in BIOS settings as well, so maybe the system is hung?

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    There is no USB imaging tool for V10LE.
    Maybe the very old Wyse Firmware tool worked.
    However, WSI is Wyse Simple Imager. This tool is even older and needs a dedicated server.

    Either try old versions of the USB Firmware tool (in the Downloads) or go the ftp route.


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    • Newbie

    Ooooo..  Didn’t know that 🙁

    Yeah, sounds like the ftp method will be best then..  Only concern with that is won’t I need an ftp user/pw to get into the Wyse to upload a new .ini (or to pull the old one to uncover the pw?) or is there no user/pw structure for ftp on it?  Cuz I’m thinkin the result will be the same as trying the admin login where it’s going to be locked down?   Tnx btw for all the help!

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    In most installations the companies just use the anonymous user.


    • Total Post: 6
    • Newbie

    Well as it turns out (my luck) it was secured/locked as well, so I could not ftp into the wyse..

    I did, however take up the task of isolating it on a network with one other pc (also without internet), and installed a dhcp server, (tried a pxeboot server which the wyse actually connected to, but couldn’t figure out how to make the pxeboot software configure properly with the wyse), a DNS server, and of course an ftp server and……….

    ….I’M IN!!!!  wnos.ini overwritten with an admin pw that I KNOW now, and proudly able to get to all the settings and whatnot now!

    Still have to learn how to get it to connect to my server (learning how to make it rdp as a tsclient I believe, but that’s not the scope of this message/support post.

    Thank you again for all the help, and for operating this site.  I’m so excited to get this (super old) but cool tech going/working once again!!!



    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    If you want to create a wnos.ini, feel free to use my Configuration Generator.


    • Total Post: 6
    • Newbie

    Indeed sir, I indeed used that tool to generate my new .ini file with a password I chose, and since then have been pushing out more and more advanced .ini’s with your tool as well 🙂

    Hey, while I have your ear, I see the v10le seems to support dual monitors in extended..  What style adapter would I use for that?  I haven’t been able to find any DVI’s that works (seems a true dual-output DVI has pins across the entire connector whereas the WYSE DVI, like many, has like 2/3 pins and final section has a spade connector (wide) with 2 pins on above and below the spade.  Just curious if you know if extended dual monitor will in fact work, or it it’s just a setting in ThinOS that maybe this terminal doesn’t support?


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