V10L TCX USB Issue

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  • #1461
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    I have a problem I’m not sure how to fix, could you help me.

    We have 2 libraries at different sites that use V10L’s with one 2003 terminal server and the Wyse TCX USB software. Access is restricted so they cannot explore, things such as My Computer and control panel. There is a shortcut on the desktop for each user that points to D:, if one person uses this it works fine. If two people use it the second person see’s the first person’s data because it is pointed to D:. If i pointed the second person to E: it would work fine. but if person one was to remove there USB when person two uses his USB the server uses the next available letter which would be D: and person two can no longer use USB.

    I don’t know how to fix this issue. We have 31 Terminal’s, only 2 of them are V10L’s at the moment. I need to fix this problem before we transfer them all over to V10L’s.

    Also is there a command to bring up the TCX USB window, it doesn’t show in the taskbar. but if i run the TCX USB Icon (Wyse TCX USB Virtulization) from control panel I only get to change the port number under the settings tab and specify what devices to redirect under the advanced tab. The TCX version is

    Thank you.

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    This is (although for you) not a problem. It works as designed.
    Wyse has never released TCX USB for Citrix or TS environments. It is only supported in VDI environments. The reason for that is exactly the issue you are currently facing.
    So, sorry, no resolution here currently.
    But I know that Wyse works on this. But it will be a Windows 2008 based solution AFAIK.


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