Username and password incorrect – WMS 3.1 (Connection settings)

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  • #74175
    • Total Post: 11
    • Regular Joe
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    When we saved Username and password in the connection settings on the WMS 3.1.

    Theres is a error message “Username and password incorrect”  at the auto log on, when the wyse boot.

    But if we retype the password on the login screen it’s ok.

    ThinOS 9.1 – Microsoft Remote Desktop services (Broker)


    After investicating, the problème is present when we update directly ThinOS 8.6_303 to 9.1.1131.

    So we make update in 2 times :

    ThinOS 8.6_303 to 9.0_040.24

    And ThinOs 9.0_040.24 To 9.1.1131



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