Upgrade fails (3.3.1 -> 3.5.1) – Certificate file not generated

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  • #106652
    • Total Post: 7
    • Newbie

    Hi folks,

    I’m currently trying to upgrade our WMS Server from 3.3.1 to 3.5.1, which doesn’t seem to work. The upgrade fails each time and has to be reverted. This is, what the log says:

    2021-12-14 T11:47:50::CustomFunctions::6336::Running action: GenerateCertificate
    2021-12-14 T11:47:50::CustomFunctions::6358:: /c “”C:\Program Files\DELL\WMS\OpenJDK-11.0.12\bin\keytool.exe” -genkey -alias xxx.xxx.xx_SV -keyalg RSA -keystore “C:\Program Files\DELL\WMS\SoftwareVault\Lockbox.p12″ -storetype PKCS12 -keysize 4096 -sigalg SHA384withRSA -validity 36500 -dname CN=xxx.xxx.xx -storepass ******** -keypass ******** ”
    2021-12-14 T11:47:50::CustomFunctions::6361::Certificate file not generated

    Our WMS is not using a self-signed cert, but has a wildcard certificate from a trusted source. Could this be the reason for it failing to generate a cert?
    The server is available from the internet (ports 8080/443/8443 are open).



    • Total Post: 12
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Hi Jay,

    – If you are using Wyse Management Suite 3.3.1, you must upgrade to 3.5 before upgrading to 3.5.1. did you notice that?




    • Total Post: 7
    • Newbie

    No. Didn’t know that. Thanks!

    I am really wondering why those installers don’t include previous versions (or at least download them automatically within the upgrade procedure). That’s such a 90s way to handle software upgrades…

    Fun fact: Can’t find v3.5 on dell.com – any version prior to 3.5.1 seems to be gone (at least for me – checking from germany).

    EDIT: Got it. For anyone looking for it: Click on 3.5.1 and then on previous versions.



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