Unable to launch Citrix session through Netscaler

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    Citrix ADC(Netscaler) version 13.0 Build 64.35

    Wyse 3040 with ThinOS 9.0.3030 Citrix package v2006_1130

    No longer can launch a session.

    With previous versions of Citrix ADC(Netscaler), it works. Exact same configuration(s) of both terminal and Netscaler.

    We have the traffic policy in place and it works. A Windows or Mac client can connect without issue.

    The 3040 CAN enumerate applications/desktops. But, when you click on any, it immediately fails.

    The error in the 3040 Event log is:

    Vdimgr: connecting to “ica: VDI” failed. error => Error: read ECONNRESET

    It is the firmware on the Netscaler that is the issue; or the Citrix Package on the terminal. Either way, the combination of the most recent Netscaler firmware, with the most recent firmware/Citrix Package for the 3040, does not work.

    There is a new Citrix Workspace App for Linux, 2009 that was just released. Perhaps as soon as Dell incorporates that and releases a new Citirx Package, that might resolve the issue.

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    Seeing the exact same thing on 5070 Extended w/ 9.0.3030 (2006 workspace).  No combination of firmware downgrade or workspace version seems to resolve the issue as of yet….

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    to fix the problem

    1. go into netscaler gateway settings
    2.change the HTTP profile from nshttp_default_strict_validation to nshttp_default_profile and save the change
    3. thinos 9.0 clients will then be able to start a desktop successfully

    if you want to keep using nshttp_default_strict_validation settings, create a new http profile with same settings as nshttp_default_strict_validation, except for ‘Mark Http header with extra white space as invalid’

    the problem is recent NetScaler firmware change which change nshttp_default_strict_validation setting, see https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX282268

    seem like thinos 9.0 send extra white space when trying to connect which netscaler block as per the ‘read ECONNRESET’ error message

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    Thanks for taking the time to respond dtsiu5.  That fixed the issue!

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    Hi dtsiu5,

    Thanks for that. It help me also, although it only worked on one of our virtual servers, but it maybe due to using a 5070 on the one still not working.

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