Unable to change Group Assignment

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  • #96897
    • Total Post: 2
    • Newbie

    I am currently having an issue when attempting to change the Group Assignment of a device within WMS. When attempting to change the Group Assignment all the groups I created are grey out, the only group that is accessible is the main default device policy group.


    The version I am running is WMS 3.1.1 580, this is the Standard license version of the software.

    Chris S
    • Total Post: 62
    • Back Stage Pass
    • ★★★★

    Just wanted to ask if you’re activating the group token. I made a new OU group and it is grayed out without it activated when I tried to move a thin client to it.

    • Total Post: 2
    • Newbie

    That was it, I had the group token enabled on the sub groups but not the main group. Once I made the change I was able to change the assignments. Thank you

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