Trouble with 3040 Thin OS 8.6_412

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  • #104951
    • Total Post: 2
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    I have already on my park 12 Wyse 3040 Thin OS, but have a trouble just with the last.

    I push de configuration via FTp ans wnos.ini.

    Host=Server \
    Description=”Connexion” \
    Icon=default \
    Colors=high \
    Fullscreen=yes \
    Resolution=default \
    Mapdisks=yes \
    UnmapPrinters=yes \

    But with the last, icon not appear.

    I try with the configurator, and obtain the same conf file.

    My others 3040 are in 8.3_210.

    An idea.

    Thank a lot for your help.


    Hervé F.


    • Total Post: 17
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    ThinOS v8.6_710 is recomended for all your Wyse 3040 ThinOS.

    I understand, you use terminal services or you try 1:1 connection over RDP.

    You need to place an IP or URL for “Host=”

    I recommend you to use ConfGen with its help. Just come to command name and see how you can use it.

    I tested on my Wyse 3040 ThinOS v8.6_710. Icon is appearing on screen.

    • Total Post: 2
    • Newbie

    Thanks for your response

    I try for host, with dns name of the server, with ip address, I try with the soft ConfGen, with the same result.

    I try to change in the INC folder, just for the Terminal, I try to change in the wnos.ini

    Just stay the windows DELL in the middle with an error VDI Broker Initialization Failed.


    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Could it be that the last one is not using the Classic desktop mode?


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