Trap Error 0x158088 appeared after Firmware update (S10)

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  • #5397
    • Total Post: 13
    • Regular Joe
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    I have updated our S10 (approx 100 of them) to the latest firmware 6.4.0_12 however 7 of the units did the update but crashed before rebooting with Trap Error 0x158088.

    I rebooted these unit manually and they seem to be fine, and with the latest firmware. But did the trap error message mean?

    I don’t think it’s the script or the firmware because the other 93 units updated and rebooted fine.

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Trap errors are the BSODs of Thin OS. So for some reason it crashes. Hard to say why. But this shouldn’t be an issue.
    If you are facing issues with these 7 units, simply down- and then upgrade them once more. This makes sure to have the correct firmware loaded again.


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