ThinOS 9 – Teradici PCoIP

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  • #108114
    • Total Post: 275
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★


    I’d like to evaluate PCoIP.

    I have added the corresponding package to a 5070 device (That was PCoIP capable w/ ThinOS 8. Shouldn’t matter, I think).

    The package has been installed. I think. I’ve seen the installation progress and at boot there is a “(Same version) PCoIP 22.09…”  entry. Though it doesn’t show up in the Device Information panel.

    I still can’t add manually a PCoIP connection. I also tried to add a connection in WMS but it doesn’t show up either.

    What did I miss ?

    • Total Post: 275
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Turns out the device was not PCoIP capable.

    I’ve upgraded another one who was and it’s OK.Well sort of… The device can’t connect to the VM. This is a W11 where I have installed the PCoIP standard agent.

    Any clue ?

    • Total Post: 275
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Look like there is no PCoIP trial license.

    • Total Post: 275
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    I’ve been able to obtain trial licenses, after all.

    I’ve installed the latest PCoIP host agent (23.04) in a Windows 11 host and activated it.

    Connexion from a Windows PCoIP client is OK.

    Connexio from a Wyse, either ThinOS 8 or 9 is NOT OK. “This Desktop has no source available”

    No clue why in the Wyse log.

    Any idea ?


    • Total Post: 275
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    for the record

    The “direct connection” is not available with the current PCoIP client. Only “broker” type connection.
    The workaround is therefore to specify the host as the broker and it works.
    The limitation it that only one PCoIP host is possible because only one broker can be specified.

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