Thinos9.1 cisco Jabber JVDI issues

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  • #77553
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    Since updating the Wyse OS from 9.0 to 9.1 and also updating the corresponding pkgs (Citrix/Cisco Jabber) as recommended by dell, cisco jabber jvdi cannot from speak to the wyse device and states that VDI device is unreachable.

    If i disconnect and then reconnect to an existing 9.0 thinos wyse device. Cisco jabber can see the wyse device.

    Just to clarify we are using the latest Cisco jabber applications on windows 10. Version 12.9 &  Wyse 5070

    Is there known issues or is there anything im missing here?

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    There is no known issue.
    Could it be a network issue? Like blocked ports in your firewall?
    Windows is using a proxy and therefore does not see this issue?


    • Total Post: 4
    • Newbie

    Hi CG

    Thanks for the reply.

    Would this not then affect the existing 9.0thin os devices?

    Same IP subnet and firewall rules are applied to the devices. Only difference is the wyse thinos 9 vs 9.1 .

    Or are you suggesting different ports are required on the new thinos 9.1 with new cisco jabber jvdi pkg that wasnt used on the old thinos 9.0 and cisco jvdi pkg?

    Thanks in advance


    • Total Post: 4
    • Newbie

    Just to clarify i can use a wyse 9.0 thin client with my citrix vdi desktop and cisco jabber works/connects to vdi client.

    I disconnect from the wyse/citrix session.

    Reconnect on the desk next to me (same subnet etc) thin os 9.1 (with latest jvdi as required by the thinos) – desktops connects but now jabber doenst connect “vdi client unreachable”


    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    In that case, it does not look like a network issue. Although, a PC connection could still benefit from a Proxy connection. However, in that case, ThinOS 9 would also fail.


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